Monday, August 27, 2018


When you start your day with a grateful heart......the rest of the day seems to fall in love with you.

Our second grandson headed out this morning to begin his third semester in college.  I find myself always giving him great encouragement to never think of continue this part of his journey of obtaining the degree that he so desires.  

This is what we as grandparents do.....we give our grandkids the support they need, and we give them words of wisdom, to inspire them to get a college degree.  

Never quit...... !!!!!!    These two words are frequently used to give encouragement to ourselves or to others.

Is QUIT a bad word?   I thought about this and even though I think of this word mostly in a negative way, the truth is......Quit is a word which can improve or change our lives.

Here is a small list of words which need "Quit" in front of them.....

Criticizing, Gossiping, Complaining, Betraying, Attacking, Bullying, Cheating, Disappointing, Being a FAKE, Being Pessimistic, Two-faced, Judging, WORRYING, being Fearful, Dis-loyal.........and the list goes on and on!!!!

There are times when we need to use the word Quit and we need to be just as bold about sharing our "Quit" wisdom, as what we are in using the Never Quit wisdom.  

                          Here is a list of words in which we can use "Never Quit" in front of...........

We all need the positive words in our lives......but lets face it, there are times when we must use the word Quit!


"A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up 
in his heart.  For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

         Luke 6:45  


  1. Good Morning, Sweet Lady.... Your POSITIVE words are perfect --not just for the grandson leaving for college--but even for US.... I try to stay positive --but sometimes it is NOT easy (as you well know)... BUT---the best we can do is to TRY....

    I would like some of your chocolate cake... I'll take some SWEET TEA with mine please...


  2. I love this! I run our church'a prayer and information line on e-mail and phone. Can I put some of this on our church phone line as a devotional? I will give you credit, if you give me your last name. And I would give you the number to call and listen after I put it on.

  3. That's a good list of positive words, Shug! I see rose moss or portulaca on the table, that's the flower I forgot to plant this spring!!! Have a wonderful day!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Location and Such

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