Sunday, July 8, 2018

Oh my true this is!!!!!

I love music.....I love singing....and I know exactly in my mind, how I want to sound!  I've heard it before.  NOT FROM MY OWN VOICE, but from singers like Carrie Underwood or Lady Antebellum!  These two ladies have such beautiful voices.

Most of us have heard others say {and some of us have even said it ourselves}....."I may not be able to sing very well, but when I get to Heaven, I'll be in the Heavenly Choir."

Heavenly Choir or not....I plan on spending eternity, SINGING to the LORD.  

Honestly speaking.....Music has such a way of changing the mood in so many situations.  

There is nothing like the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit during Worship Service.  Singing with all your heart, Praising the Lord.

Music can move us when we are on a date night with the love of our life. 💗 

Soft music has a way of calming us when we can't sleep or when we are in a stressful situation. 

As I stated at the beginning of this post.....I can NOT sing!

Or....can I?

When I say that I can NOT sing....I actually mean that the melody of my singing is not very pleasant.   Singing is easy!!  But, making a beautiful noise is NOT!

I am always in constant prayer for my husband, for my children and my grandchildren....However, I have found that when I quietly sing my prayers for all of these people that I love, I find such Peace..... and I experience such a personal and VERY REAL conversation with God.   

I would encourage each of you to SING to the Lord.....Sing your prayers....Sing of your Love....Sing Prayers over your family!

You will be Blessed!!!!

Enjoy theBlessings of this Day....

Shug 🌹 


  1. Phil is in the church choir, but I don't think I can sing ether! But I LOVE music!! Singing prayers! I have not heard of this, but the Psalms were songs! What tunes do you use? Do you make them up, do you use christian music???

  2. What a neat post, Shug.... Singing our prayers is comforting for sure. George and I sit on our deck early in the mornings --and we do our devotion. It takes about 20-30 minutes and just makes our day!!! When we don't do it, the day never goes as well...

    We don't 'sing' all of our devotion---but we do sing some big Amen's at the end... Praise be to God.


  3. such a beautiful inspirational post!

  4. I have never thought of singing my prayers. I am the person the Bible talks about when it says to 'make a joyful noise to the Lord'. I love music and singing but my voice is not what it used to be.I'm trusting that God hears my heart.

  5. I was in the church choir for years and my dad was choir director for many years before then so music is a huge part of my life. Sing to the Lord for sure, great post, Shug!

  6. Awesome post.

    I'm not sure what it is about singing
    OUT LOUD that makes a body feel good.
    When Mr. Ken and I are driving on vacation
    or just around town, sometimes a song will
    come on that will cause us to break out
    and sing at the top of our lungs.
    Usually the windows are up. HA!

    M : )


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