Saturday, March 3, 2018

What a gorgeous day it is here in East Texas!
Oh my....The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and my heart is filled with much happiness.

My daffodils are looking gorgeous!  I love the bright yellow of daffodils....I only wish that the blooms lasted all Spring and Summer.

Coming off of about three full weeks of nothing but rain and cloudy skies, the sight of these stunning yellow flowers, reminds me that there are seasons for everything!  Without the rain, how could the beauty of a simple daffodil gracefully brighten my day?

My hummingbird feeder is ready and I am anxiously awaiting for the teeny tiny winged friends to appear!  

And this my friends, is a branch that shows life of my pomegranate tree!  Spring is on it's way and I'm loving it!

New Beginnings....New surrounds us each and every day!  

Enjoy your Blessings this day!

Shug 🌹


  1. I love how this post is all about beautiful light! And sunny yellow!! Even your hummingbird feeder is gorgeous, looking like blown glass. The daffodil shots are really stunning! Just as pretty as the daffodils themselves!

  2. Beautiful! Those Daffodils are gorgeous.It shouldn't be too long for the Hummers to be at your feeder.

  3. Loved seeing Spring here, Shug! Send it this way!


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