Sunday, March 4, 2018


I have great memories of March 5th....some 22 years ago! 

This handsome guy was born!!

Tyler Samuel.....

Our First Grandchild....grandson!

This picture was on his birthday 2 years ago...
A few months later, he joined the Air Force!

Last year he was in training to become a Weather Apprentice for the USAF!

This means he has been gone on his birthday for the past two years! 😓

This year...he is over 900 miles away from all of us back here at home!  Big Birthday hugs to him from his Shug/Sugar!  He calls me Sugar most of the time, but when he's really serious about something....he calls me Shug!

This picture was taken when we visited him last September....  

Back home....on the Country Road...Tyler and his guitar!!

Koby (One of Tyler's best Friends)



both of them are so handsome!!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Tyler.....




  1. He is now so grown up, responsible, and handsome! He has given you so much to be proud of!!

  2. Hi Shug!

    Happy Birthday, Tyler!! Oh my goodness, Shug, this post made me cry! You are an amazing grandma, I can tell how much you love this wonderful man, and I can see that he loves you right back!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Happy Birthday to your Tyler! I know you are so proud of him, Shug! blessings ~ tanna


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