Thursday, January 25, 2018

       ~ Laughter is a tranquilizer with No side effects.
                                                                 Arnold Glasow

I need a tranquilizer of laughter right about now!  Oh my goodness....It has been forever since I have seen my very close friends.

November and December are so busy....and January of this year has been super busy as well.

Life is awesome with great friends......

How Blessed I am to have them in my life!

Shug ~


  1. You all look like you have so much fun together! Your header is awesome. OH, those blue eyes!

  2. Looks like you and your friends are having fun.

  3. Hope you are having your 'friends trip' soon... I know how much you love that...

    I 'stole' your quote about laughter and used it on my Facebook post this morning... Love that quote --and it is SO true.


  4. Hi Shug!

    I agree! Friends are a wonder aren't they...old friends are the best!!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. P.S. Those blue eyes...oh my goodness!! Love them!

  6. It seems that we are all so busy.
    We have friends that live very close
    AND we still don't see them enough!
    Just not enough time to do everything.

    M : )


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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