Friday, December 22, 2017

What will be written in your journal this Christmas Season?  Such a big question.....

As I sit here this evening, in our warm and comfortable home, I can't help but look around me and wonder......Do I really know how truly Blessed we are?

This is a wonderful time of the year.......and I am truly thankful for my awesome family and for friends....They are all the BEST!

I'm thankful for health and financial security.......

I'm extremely thankful for my Salvation, and that I have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior,  Jesus Christ!!!

I'm thankful for our freedom.....a freedom given to us by the sacrifices of others.

But.....let me get back to the question of "What will be written in your journal this Christmas Season?"

As for me...It will be about a few things that I've experienced these past few days.    One thing being, the loneliness of a friend who is very ill.  This has weighed very heavily upon my mind these past few days.  What can I do to minimize her loneliness?  I can Pray....and I can visit.
People all around us are lonely and hurting...

Another thing is the pain that I saw in the eyes of a lady that checked me out the other day.   Mylee and I were out and about on Thursday, and we made a stop at one of our local stores.  The lady checking me out had huge tears rolling down her cheeks.  My heart was broken for her.  I ask if she was ok and she told me she was hurting and that things had been difficult.   I wanted to pray for her right there, but she walked away and went into an area that we could not go in.  So...Mylee and I sat in our car outside the store and we prayed for this sweet lady.   
All around us.....people are hurting.

I don't post many things on Twitter, but I do read a lot of the post that are on there.   There was this one post that I read and re-read, several times.
Here are the words...... " If you get to wake up on Christmas morning and see both of your parents smiling faces when you are opening gifts, you are lucky.  I'd give anything to have that back."
Wow......People all around us need our prayers!

My journal will be filled with prayer needs and with reminders of how I want to be aware of people around me who are hurting....Perhaps a simple smile or a gift of love can help them in some small way....

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas......God Bless!



  1. Not everyone will have a Merry Christmas,and that is sad.Let's hope that your friendly concern helped in some small way to cheer this lady.
    For those of us who can celebrate,I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

  2. YES! Christmas is not about us at all. It is about being the most like Jesus that we can. Helping others by encouraging, lifting them up, praying for them, visiting. THAT is the true spirit of Christmas!! And YOU have it in abundance! I wish for you and your family a wonderful and magical Christmas.

  3. Hi Shug~

    Beautiful post...just what I needed to read on this very cold, snowy night. Like you, I am very blessed and so thankful for my life. I want for nothing, my children are close to me, my home is comfortable and safe, there is food in my an excess, and I am loved beyond measure. I do take these things for granted at times, and there are times when I feel so bad for someone else's situation that it's all I think about for days. I try to help when I am able, but, most of the time, prayer is the best remedy. I thank, Heavenly Father everyday for His Son, and for His plan of salvation.

    I also thank Him for wonderful thoughtful friends all over the world, but mostly in, Texas. I know a lady who lives there who is so wonderful! She is thoughtful and kind, strong and courageous and loves God. She loves the beach, the woods, riding the gator, and she makes wonderful pear relish. Her husband and family mean everything to her, and she is loved beyond measure. She is always in my prayers.

    Merry Christmas sweet friend...and a very happy New Year!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. Beautiful post, Shug... There ARE people all around us hurting. George's daughter (who recently lost her husband) is with us this Christmas. Keep her in your prayers....

    Our family has had a rough year --but there are still so many blessings all around us... Thanks be to God...

    Merry Christmas.

  5. So much truth, Shug. Sending warm Christmas wishes to you and yours. blessings ~ tanna

  6. The world needs prayers for sure. Merry Christmas to you & your family.

  7. It is a tough time for a lot of people.
    Some just don't feel the spirit due to
    issues they are dealing with. All we
    can do it keep these people in our
    thoughts and prayers and hope they
    find relief.

    I hope you had a great Christmas, my friend.

    M : )


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