Sunday, November 19, 2017

I know that we are in the month of November.....I know that
Thanksgiving is still a few days away.....I really do!

I still have pumpkins on my front porch, and I still have Autumn decorations in our home!  You know, all the orange, red, brown and green decor!

I also have a lit tree in our living room!

It's not decorated yet....only lights!

That's a Fall Wreath on my front door and Fall flowers in the vase on the cabinet....   Fall flowers next to a Christmas tree!!
Crazy isn't it??

It might take me a few more days to get the tree decorated....but that's ok.

Wow......check it out!!  I decorated the tree.   The truth is, I started writing this post a week ago and had to save it in a draft. I'm back to finish this post and my tree
is now decorated.  

I actually have a couple more trees to do...but at least this one will be done at Thanksgiving.   One of the reason's I wanted the tree to be up, is because Tyler is coming home for Thanksgiving ....but he will not get to be home for Christmas!

:(  :(  :(  :(   makes me sad....but it is what it is and I'm thankful to get to spend Thanksgiving with him.

I love making sweets at Thanksgiving and Christmas...
Coconut pie, Chocolate pie, Pecan cobbler, German Chocolate Cake, Pumpkin roll, and more...

BUT....guess what it is that my kiddos want?

Dirt Cake!!!!

Same dessert every single time.......They are not interested in any of the desserts that I want to make....only Dirt Cake...
and I don't really like it!!

I have much to do.....but I did want to wish you
all a 
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Blessings and hugs!



  1. Your tree is beautiful, Shug! I am sure Tyler will appreciate your having it up for him and you will savor this holiday with him. Wishing you and all of yours a wonderful Thanksgiving, Shug (with Dirt Cake... hee hee). Funny how they get their "favorites" and can't be swayed. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  2. Your tree is gorgeous! I have no talent for decorating trees! I move things around over and over and over. So now your Airman WILL have Christmas at home!! It is not the day that matters, it is what is in your heart. After all, Jesus was not likely born on December 25th. Wow, your gorgeous family picture header. Everyone is looking so good and so happy! Usually with this many people, at least one will mess up. We can hardly get the three kids to all look good at once.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy those precious moments together.

  4. Hi Shug!

    You make me smile!! I love that you have your tree up with your Autumn's gorgeous!

    I'm so happy for you to have Tyler home for Thanksgiving! I hope you make all the yummy things you want, plus, dirt cake! I don't think I have ever had, dirt cake, but if you make it, it's got to be delicious, I've seen those pies you make... ;0)

    We have so much to be thankful for, don't we?! Speaking of beautiful families, I love your header! You have a gorgeous family!! Have fun with them and be safe, sweet friend!!


    Hugs and Love,

  5. Happy Thanksgiving....

    I am thankful for YOU....


  6. Your tree is beautiful!

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

    M : )


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