Friday, November 3, 2017

I had several people ask if I made the pies in my header picture.    

I did!   I love making pies!  Coconut, Chocolate, Pecan..
Oh my goodness!  Yum! yum!


My wish list is a mile long right now!!  Not so much for material items....Just crazy little things that I want.  One big thing on my list is a change in our weather!!!   Oh my goodness, who has ever heard of 90 degree temps in November?   

For all my Up-North friends....Please push some COLD air down to East Texas.  Send Snow....send a Blizzard....and please send the refreshing smell of the evergreens my way.

Sounds like I need to take a Winter trip....for a FEW MONTHS!!

I also Wish I could lose this datum weight!!!!!  But, you know what they say:

"No one can do it for have to do it yourself!"

And....I love this one too...

Lets see....another wish I have is:

For the pilgrims to come to East Texas and cook my 
Thanksgiving meal!!!

Wow, I'm sounding real unmotivated here, aren't I?

I love everyone being at the house, I really do......and you all know that I love to cook.....So where did that wish come from anyways?

I'll share this one other wish with you.......those that know me very well,  are not going to believe this one, but I Wish that the elf's would come decorate my Christmas tree for me!  I want it to be up by Thanksgiving, since Tyler will be here and, he won't be coming back home for Christmas....But, I'm feeling too lazy to dig that big ol' thing out, in hopes that all the lights work!!!!

The Pilgram's are gone, there are No Elf's and the "Skinny Fairy" seems to have I'm guessing that I need to get motivated and take care of details!

I love y'all...



  1. Shug, I hope ALL your wishes come true! YES, the older we get, the harder it is to loose weight! I am on a diet now!

  2. Hi Shug!

    I WISH I could send you some nice, cold, rainy, and probably snowy before it's all over, weather! I feel so sorry for you guys in the South! I can't believe that it's so hot down there, I'll pray for cooler weather for you sweet friend.

    I knew you made those pies!! They are gorgeous! Meringue is definitely a Southern treat, we almost always use whipping cream here in Idaho - although I love lemon pie with meringue... :0)

    Losing weight is on my wish list as well...why is it so hard?! But, my grands have told me not to worry about it, they say I wouldn't be grandma if I was skinny...not sure if that's a compliment or not, but I'll take it. I think you are beautiful just like you are!

    I would love someone to cook, Thanksgiving dinner as well. We are having Thanksgiving at my daughters, so I guess she will be doing most of the cooking this year...wish granted! But my Christmas tree will have to be put up by little old me. I usually don't put up my tree until the second week in December...I guess I'm a Scrooge, but that's when we always put the tree up when I was a girl, old habits die hard.

    When you see your Airman, you won't care about the tree or Thanksgiving dinner, or about those few extra pounds, it will all be good! Please post a few pictures so we can share in the excitement...I'm so happy for you!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. HA HA --- I love your posts....You and I have SO much in common. One thing I hope you don't have in common with me is the ability to SLEEP good.... I never ever had this problem until about a year ago. Since then, I've really struggled...Tried everything and even my doctor put me on a mild sleeping pill. I still don't sleep well.... Dang it all. SO--that is one of my wishes---that I could get a good night's sleep!

    A couple of your wishes are mine too: lose weight---been a constant problem all of my adult life, but the older I get, the harder it is to lose!!!!!! Another Dang it ALL.... ha

    I also am begging for some cooler weather.... This warm weather in November is ridiculous... I posted a Facebook post yesterday showing my BLOOMING Rhododendron. Even the Shrubs are confused --and think it is spring... My Azalea is blooming also..... Geeessh Louise!!!!

    AND---as much as I love Christmas, I dread pulling out our tree and all of the other stuff... Wish a good fairy would come and just decorate my house for me so that we could just ENJOY it..... ha

    Oh Well---tis life....


  4. Oh, Shug. My wish list looks a lot like yours. And, I'm afraid we are going to have to buckle down for ourselves. I didn't get my Halloween stuff out until MONDAY and had to take it down Wednesday. I'm thinking not much is going to happen for Thanksgiving (which is my favorite) because I'm already realizing Christmas will be here WAY too soon! Yes, we could use a puff of cold air! Ha! blessings ~ tanna

  5. I wish I could share my snow with you.I love it so much,I really doubt for you,I would be willing to share some.It's so beautiful outside. Large snowflakes softly falling and the evergreen trees are already laden with snow. Close your eyes and imagine sitting in my living room watching this'll the while surrounded by the mess of setting up my three small Christmas trees.
    Hugs to you.

  6. Cute post.
    I feel your pain on some of it.
    I am enjoying our cooler weather for the
    most part...wearing a coat not so much
    but I am not missing those "flashes"
    I had when it was warmer.

    Hopefully motivation will find you and
    you can get some of those things taken
    care of.

    M : )

  7. Ha! May all your wishes come true! I would send some chilly weather your way, if I could. It's 40 degrees right now at lunch time which makes me think of losing weight. It is definitely much harder to lose the fat now, wish there was a magic potion! Have a great week!


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