Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Can you believe it's November?  I'm telling you, the days are passing by fast.  

I have a good feeling about it being November....I received some great news last night...!!!!!!!  The eve before the first day of November.

Our Airman is coming home for Thanksgiving!!!   

This news was totally unexpected.   We were not expecting to see him until next July or even some time later, but things worked out in our favor for him to be able to come home for a few short days at Thanksgiving. Thankful I am!!   

This means that my Christmas tree needs to go up a little earlier this year!  I can do it!!  I have three weeks to get everything planned and decorated.  No problem at all, as I love decorating.  The good thing is:  I already have most of my Christmas shopping all done!  Whoop!!

I am truly thankful that God opened this door.   We have much to celebrate.  

Hugs to all.


  1. Hi Shug!

    Great news - I almost cried, and I don't even know him!!

    First things first...are those your pies in your header photo?!!

    What a great surprise for your family! I'm sure that he is just as happy, and I'm sure that you will have your home as cozy as can be for him...So happy for you!!

    Hugs and Love,

  2. How wonderful!! Something else to be so thankful for! Your pies are so beautiful, and absolutely perfect.

  3. Happy for you all, Shug.... I know that you love ALL of your grandchildren --but this young man definitely has a huge chunk of your heart.... I can only imagine how happy you are. What a THANKSGIVING you will have.

  4. That is great news. What a happy family time that will be!


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