Sunday, April 30, 2017

Prayers please for neighboring towns..  Tornados hit these areas last evening and has caused Much Destruction.  There have been deaths, many injuries, homes destroyed as well as businesses.  So much damage.  Prayers appreciated.



  1. Nature can be beautiful, but also so destructive.

  2. Of course. So sad! I am so glad you were spared!

  3. On their way...
    This weekends weather
    has been tough on a lot of people.
    Hope all are ok.

    M : )

  4. Hi Shug~

    Of course, prayers will be said for all involved in Mother Natures fury . . . so sad. Stay safe, sweet friend.


  5. Have said many prayers over the weekend for all those in harm's way. Especially the Canton storms. I could not believe that three tornados sprung up! Also the four people who were killed near Mena...I pray for their family. That wasn't storm related, but one man killed the whole family, mother, 2 yr old daughter and young son and the mother's uncle I believe. Heartbreaking that someone could do what he did.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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