Saturday, March 18, 2017

Well.....St. Patty's Day has come and gone!  I went all day without wearing a single piece of green and not once did I get pinched...  

The weather is suppose to be warming up today.  A few clouds and then some warming temps reaching close to 80.  Sounds like a great day to do some yard work.   

Guess what time of the year it is??  It's Bluebonnet time!!


Viewing a field of bluebonnets is something that needs to be on everyone's bucket list.   A huge rolling landscape of these gorgeous blue flowers, is not only breathtaking, but the aroma that fills the air is so refreshing.  

A must see!



  1. OOOOOOHHHHHhhh!!! Bluebonnets! I guess I will never see a real one, but they sure are legendary around here. They are gorgeous!! How long does the bloom last?

  2. What an amazing sight! I wish I could see something like that some day.

  3. Oh how I love Blluebonnets. When we lived in Texas, I'd go to the Chapel Hill and Brenham area to see them almost every year during the first week of April... Such wonderful memories....



Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

The sun is shining Beautifully today! I was thrilled to wake up this morning to a bright sunshine morning.  Thank you Lord.  Sinus headache ...