Sunday, November 6, 2016

I can't wait.....

Oh my goodness.....Oh my goodness.....Oh my goodness!!

I am SOoooooo Excited!!  

I'm family is traveling........we are all traveling for Thanksgiving!!

I know this doesn't seem like a big deal to most of you, but for is huge!  

We are so very Blessed!!  All of our family lives within 4 miles of each other.   Like, even including our brothers.  Wait....I take it back, I do have a Brother-in-law that lives about a hundred miles away.   Most of us see each other Every day!!   I do realize how great of a Blessing this is.   

Many families are scattered all across the Country and even perhaps the world.  This can be a good thing, and it can be a difficult thing.

I remember as a child {I think I was maybe 8 years old}    ......we traveled from East Texas to some town in Oklahoma to spend Thanksgiving day with one of my uncles and his family.   I will never forget that special time.   It was a wonderful experience....a very special time, and a great childhood memory!

I love the holidays and I can only imagine how awesome it would be to travel to Colorado, Virginia, the hills of Tennessee, North Carolina, or just any place up North....especially for the Christmas Holidays.   

You can see why I'm so excited.   The other reason is because we will be spending a few days with our new Airman!    We are cautioned not to talk about where he is stationed, so I can't really say where we are going.....But, we will be traveling through a few different states to reach our destination.   

Since Tyler is unable to prepare a Thanksgiving meal on base.....I'll be taking the turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes, veggies, bread and a big selection of desserts, to assemble a fabulous Thanksgiving meal for my family!  

I can't wait!!!



  1. I can sense your excitement.I am sure Tyler will be happy to be with his family in this special day.

  2. I bet Tyler will be overjoyed to see you! AND finally get some good home cooking. Your header is gorgeous!! Poinciana? We have none in this area.

  3. Wonderful! I can tell you are kind of excited. Logistics are something else, aren't they? Best of wishes to you for the occasion and the Season. I'm sure your family are looking forward to a get together with all the good food they've come to enjoy too. Look forward to hearing about it.

  4. Sounds like fun, good for all of you! And you lucky to be living near family!

  5. Hi Cutie, I can FEEL your joy.... That is awesome. AND--it's neat that the entire family is going... You are so blessed to have such a close family --that enjoys doing things together...

    Tyler will love seeing everyone and have his Grandmother's home-cooked Thanksgiving Dinner... We are headed to FL to have Thanksgiving with George's son and family. Then --after Christmas, my middle son and family will visit us... YEAH.


  6. Sounds like a lot of fun for you!!!!

  7. Wishing you a very special Thanksgiving as you travel. Have fun!

  8. So fun for your family!!

    Have safe travels.

    M : )


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