Saturday, November 12, 2016

This and That

This day has been absolutely gorgeous.   Sunshine with cooler temperatures.    I usually wear my shorts and flip flops for as long as I can.....even into Fall.   Of course, in Texas you can easily do this.   

This morning, I had to put on jeans and "real" shoes!!  I also had to put on a jacket while I sat out at Mylee's softball game.  It felt so nice to be out in the morning air.   

I made a trip to Hobby Lobby, to gather a few more things that I need for my Christmas Tree.   YES, I have my tree up in the living room and I do know that Thanksgiving hasn't even come around.
I have already apologized to the Turkey!!!

The lights are on my tree.....ALL 1200 of them, but I'm not decorating it until after Thanksgiving.....I promise!!

I so wish that we had the kind of weather where I could get a REAL tree.   I love the smell of Christmas Trees!

I figure that I can throw a few orange bows on the tree and maybe add a few stuffed turkeys to it, and Wa La.....I can have myself a beautiful Thanksgiving tree....

Our family tradition is going to be broken this year as we celebrate the Thanksgiving holidays.   Always, always, always.... my daughters and I go shopping the day after Thanksgiving!  {Black Friday}  We shop from about 4:00 A.M. until about 10:00 P.M.   For real!!    C R A Z Y......
{The rest of the family meets us around 5:30 that evening to eat Mexican food, and then we go back to shopping.}

This year....we will be eating our Thanksgiving meal on Friday!  No shopping that day.    This is going to be a year of spending 4 fabulous days with family.....telling all kinds of stories, eating, playing a few games and eating some more!!  I am sooooo excited to do so.  After all, isn't this what it's all about?

A thankful heart opens our eyes to see the Blessings that surround us!!



  1. I am sure you will be making new memories and think of all the money you'll be saving by not going shopping. HA!Ha!

  2. What a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving you will have! Our daughter-in-law always kept a small tree up all the time. She would hang Easter ornaments, Thanksgiving, beach, winter, stuff for every season.

  3. This year I want to prepare my Christmas tree early too but first I need to do some spring cleaning. Your plan to spend Thanksgiving day with family members sounds wonderful. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving day!

  4. Some years are just different aren't they. Change can be good. We have always put the tree up after lunch on Thanksgiving Day. In fact, Handyman used to drag it down from the attic as we were clearing and washing dishes! We are going away this year to our oldest daughter's home but we will have the tree up and ready to turn the lights on when we get home on Sunday.
    Our Marine kids won't be with us for the holidays this year and that is always a downer. But we're thankful for them where they are. I'm sure glad your soldier will be with all of you this year. PS...oddly its' been a lot like Texas here in the Midwest this Fall. Of course that's gonna change.....

  5. I worked as a cashier in a department store while I was in college. After those Black Friday experiences, I have never been a shopper on that day. It sounds like you will have a fun Thanksgiving!


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