Saturday, January 16, 2016

Lazy, Crazy day....

Oh has been one of those lazy, crazy days!   The wind is blowing and the chill in the air has made me want to stay curled up with my WARM tie blanket and do nothing but sip Hot Chocolate!

It was a late start for us this morning.  Sam and I both slept until 8:00 a.m.   This is way LATE for the two of us!   After finally getting up and crawling out of our warm bed...(thanks to the electric blanket).....we got dressed and made it in time to Mylee's Little Dribblers game this morning.   

She scored 11 points.....which surprised not only us....but it surprised Mylee as well.   It was a great game!   Then it was off to Quitman to watch Trey play in a Junior High game day.   It too was a great game and Trey played awesome!!

Since we have been back home....I've had a good nap and am now looking at making a pot of Chili for us to eat for dinner!   Sounds supper warm and yummy!!!  

Changing the subject here........But did you know that if you have anything that is ailing you, it is BEST not to go to the computer and look up symptoms, causes and cures????

I've had a sinus infection this past week and have since developed a ringing or buzzing in my left ear.   Gracious....I should have never looked anything up on the topic of buzzing ears.    Everything under the sun is mentioned and some of it is not what you want to hear!!  Hoping it goes away soon...along with the dizziness.   


I took a small break since starting this post and instead of making a pot of Chili.....we drove into town and had a bowl of soup at Newks!     Well....Sam had soup and I had a Shrimp PoBoy!  

That's it for me today.....   



  1. I am sure a decongestant will do the trick for the ear/sinus issue. Reading about symptoms online is always a bad idea! Do take care!

  2. I do hope you feel better soon.I have also had a lazy day.lazy days are good from time to time.

  3. Hi Shug!

    I really love that you had a lazy, crazy day . . . we all need a few of those days to stay sane! Getting up and going to a couple of games sure took the lazy out of your day though, I'd say that takes some ambition! A shrimp Poboy sounds yummy, I think I'd take that over chili. Stay warm, cuddle up and make chili on Monday!


    P.S. We got 5 inches of snow yesterday, so I've been drinking hot chocolate too... :0)

  4. Yes, we were just talking about that scary internet this morning and discovered it doesn't always tell the truth. :-) I love electric blankets too! Take care and have a great week!

  5. Hi Shug, hope you are feeling better now. I know what you mean about looking things up on the computer. After reading all the things that could be wrong, it tends to make me feel worse than better! I made chili last night and there's enough for another meal, but I think I'll make a meatloaf. Is it just me or does it seem like these days fly by and it's already time to fix dinner? :) Take care and enjoy your week!


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Look what I Discovered

  Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for ...