Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Time for Action ...Part 1

The time for action is now!!.....grab a mirror, hold it in front of your face....lift one side of your lip and now the other side.  Show your teeth and stretch that smile as far out as you can!!

Wasn't that a great call for action this morning?

Smiles to you.........


Many of you may have read a FB post this weekend, posted by my sweetheart.......about a wonderful miracle which happened at the Nursing Home this past Saturday....

I wanted to share this post with those who didn't read it.

On Saturday morning.....Sam and I made our normal trip over to the nursing home to visit my dad.   Walking in, just in front of us, was my oldest brother, his wife, his daughter and son-in-law.....and all five of their grandchildren.   Three of the kids belong to their son and DIL.

The kids range in age 9 to 5......  two boys and three girls.

As you can imagine....my dad's room was a little crowded with all eleven of us there.   So....I decided to go out into the main room.  Soon, the kids followed me out there.

This is a "lock-down" memory care unit and the residents rooms surround a huge sitting and activity area.

The eyes of our little ones were glued to the unusual behavior that a Alzheimer's unit typically sees.  While sitting there, I began to engage in a clapping manner with some of the residents who love to clap.   Before long....all of the kids were joining in.     Of course....no matter what kind of state a mind can be in, there is always something about small children that brings a smile to the faces of these folks.  

I've been visiting my dad at the memory care facility, almost every single day, for almost a year now.   There is one gentleman there, and out of the many visits that I have made....I have NEVER seen him smile.  I have never seen a single person come visit him.  

In the midst of our clapping and singing....I look up and this particular man gets up out of his chair and makes his way over to where we all were sitting.    Within seconds......he stood there with a HUGE smile on his face and he began clapping with the kids.  

He smiled and clapped his hands, over and over again!

Can I tell you.....this covered my heart with joy!! 

This gentleman was connecting with these kids.......

This was a miracle.......!!!  I only wish that his loved ones {out there somewhere} could have witnessed his happiness.  

I honestly have a lot more to say in regards to our aging loved ones...   I'm thinking I'll make this a Part 1 and Part 2.... post....

I am so thankful to my niece and her husband for taking the time to bring the kids by to visit my dad.....I'm thankful that even little children know how to bring a smile to someone in need....

Stop by tomorrow for the rest of the story!!

Sweet hugs dear friends...

Shug ~


  1. That is priceless. I believe these are God moments.

  2. What a sweet story. Moments of joy can come from the simplest of behaviors.

  3. This is the best story I've heard in a long time! Having watched my husband's mom in the Alz unit here, I can totally relate. So glad you shared this! Looking forward to hearing the rest of the story!

  4. Hi Shug!

    I love this story . . . brought a smile to my face for sure! I can sooooo identify with your story; it doesn't take much to make those little old folks happy, and sometimes, it takes a lot! I have a few really special stories about kids and the tender hearts of our sweet seniors . . . but, I'm sure looking forward to your next one!


  5. I am so touched by your sharing. So good of you and the kids to bring the smile back on these aging ones. May God bless you with overflowing blessings to bless others.

  6. Shug, how lovely to share this with us. It is very important for children to visit nursing homes for the joy of those who live there. I have a friend who is currently struggling with a spouse with Alzheimers, and she is looking at nursing home care. Very sad.


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