Tuesday, September 15, 2015

checking in......

Good morning, sweet friends.   

The morning temps feel so wonderful......as a matter of fact, I spent about an hour yesterday morning just sitting outside in the swing, and enjoying the awesome weather!  I watched a few squirrels and dodged a few pecans that they dropped to the ground.

Our trip last week to Tennessee and Florida was so relaxing (for ME) and it has left me being a little lazy this week.   

I don't have time to be lazy......Sam and I are leaving this next weekend, along with 5 of the Best friends ever......for a week long cruise to the Caribbean!   Can't wait!!!  Totally excited!!

Been waiting on this cruise to get here for about 6 months now!!
Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Jamaica........
Question is:  Do I try to snorkel?   I really, really want to......But then, what comes to mind is......I CAN'T SWIM!!!!!

I might just give it a try!!

Hopefully......I'll have my blogging mojo back after we get back from this trip.  I REALLY miss writing post that are inspirational.   

Hope each of you find your day filled with lots of joy!!



  1. Your trip sounds like so much fun!!! You must snorkel! If you don't, you will regret it later!

  2. Relaxing is good!

    Sounds like an awesome trip.

    M : )

  3. Good luck with the snorkelling.I am quite sure I wouldn't be trying it.I also can't swim.

  4. Goodness you've been busy traveling. - Hope your cruise is extra special.


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