Tuesday, August 11, 2015

God opened the door....

Whew.....I have no idea how many times I have said "It's HOT" today!   It is HOT!   Temps of 105 mixed with humidity....is like being in a Sauna.

And then came a teeny tiny shower....and, I am sooooo happy to have have received every single drop of rain from that teeny tiny shower.    Thank you Lord!


I am Happy to Report that God has shown his favor upon daughter #1 this week.   Trista has been teaching 4th grade math for quite a few years now and has enjoyed every minute of having a full classroom of kiddos.   

However.....she has been feeling a need for a change.   Just this week, she accepted another position (In the same school district) and it is just the change that she was looking for.  

With only a week left until school starts....we ALL (family {her dad, sister and myself} and two of her close friends)had to come to the rescue and help her get her classroom put together.   

First thing was to undo the original room that she was prepared to teach in this year....We had to take down all of the bulletin boards that were already READY...We moved all of her personal bookshelves, teaching supplies, and decorations.....to the other school about 10 miles down the road.   

Today.....we put the NEW classroom in order.
We decorated bulletin boards, organized her teaching supplies, set up her computers, and now have all of lessons lined out for the beginning of school.   There are a few minor things to do...but this is no problem.

For all of you teachers out there.....you know what a job this was!

Most of all.....I want to give God all the Glory for every door that opened for Trista, to be able to make this move.   We all have been praying for this...and most importantly, we have been praying God's will for a change!

Can I tell you....that without a shadow of doubt...I know that God directed every step.

1.  In order for her to make this move....her position as a {top Math teacher} had to be filled.  The date for getting out of her contract was up during July...  

2.  The new position is one that most teachers jump at....

Now for the good part.....

1.  This position had been open for about two weeks, and NO ONE had applied for it.   {God was saving this position for her}

2.  The very day that Trista applied for it....another person applied for a Math position...teaching 4th grade through 8th grade!  How cool is this?????   4th grade, exactly what Trista was teaching!!!!!

The position that she now teaches is Reading and Math intervention.   No more home room classes.....No more STRESS over testing....instead of having 30 kids in a class, she will have 3 or 4....maybe 5 at a time.  And...the best part is, teaching kids that need that extra bit of help in their understanding of math and reading skills.

Every door opened and God opened those doors!!

We are so very Thankful.....

Shug ~


  1. Your daughter's new job sounds like it will be enjoyable and a great match for her. Everything came together just right for it to happen. I see God's hand in it.

  2. Life will be wonderful if we have faith in God. We need to adjust our life for both positive and negative situations. World will not be nice if we have only positive things. Negative things helps us to learn more from them.

    I need to get some tips from your daughter to teach grade 4. I get tensed soon to teach the kids. It is a very difficult job.Nice to hear that she is enjoying teaching. All the best for her new position!

  3. Congratulations to your daughter, and great job for jumping in to help her get her room set up! Hope all goes well for her, but it looks like it is meant to be.

  4. What a great family!
    I love hearing how everyone stepped up to support your daughter.
    But most of all, I love how God works.
    Praise God for all his mighty works.

  5. Hi, God is so good.... Your daughter's new job sounds fantastic. My daughter-in-law is a teacher and she works with young children with learning disabilities... She is an awesome teacher and feels as if she is making a difference in the lives of the young... That is so awesome.... I know you are happy for her and proud of her.


  6. It is exciting to see how God works in every area of our lives,for our good and His Glory.

  7. Hooray for the brief rain. We had one here today too which was lovely.
    Awesome news about your daughter and her job. - Praising God is the perfect way to say, Thank You to Him.

  8. This is wonderful news for your daughter, rejoicing with you in His Goodness.

  9. Good for Trista! Here's wishing her the best!

  10. Hi, Shug...don't you just LOVE watching our Gracious Father work...it's just amazing.

  11. Amazing and miraculous things can happen when we leave it all in the Father's hands! Way to geaux, Trista!! Very happy for this blessing in her life, and wonderful year ahead.

  12. Hi Shug!

    I hope you have had some relief from the heat - heat and humidity and definitely not a good match! And isn't it amazing how each one of those tiny little rain drops can make such a huge difference?!

    I love your daughters story! I love to hear about all those beautiful, tender mercies and miracles we receive from a loving Father! God does know us, He loves us, and truly helps us through this life, every single day! I'm excited for this new adventure for her!! I'm sure she so appreciates all the work you did for her - you are a wonderful mom!!



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