Thursday, August 27, 2015

Around Town...

Around town......I found a few interesting images that I thought you all might enjoy!

Turquoise gates!!   Kinda neat and eye catching!!

Golden eggs.....

They sure add a lot of character to the landscape of this home.....

Isn't this horse a beauty?  And of course.....the fence post!

On the other side of the post......another horse!

My NEW fence......built by my hubby!!   

 Great job Sam.....building this eye catching fence!

 I'm joining Good fences on this beautiful Thursday morning...

Hugs to all....


  1. Hi Shug! love the turquoise gates but very well done to your hubs for constructing an awesome new fence!
    Have a great day!

  2. Hello, the turquoise gate is pretty, I love that color. The horses are beautiful. And your hubby did a fantastic job on the fence, very nice. Great series of photos, enjoy your day!

  3. Well if you want something to stand out...paint it turquoise for sure! Fun. I always love seeing horses and fences. I like how your husband framed that fence material! Very sharp...

  4. hooray for your new fence! love the horses in their pastures and that turquoise certainly can't hide! those garden eggs made me laugh. :)

  5. Are you sure you're not in Arizona? That turquoise gate is very interesting.

  6. For me, the blue fene is too blue but I love both of the horses in their paddock

  7. Yes that Turquoise Fence is very eye catching. - Those golden globes were cool, the horses were very handsome behind their fencing and I think your hubby did a very nice job with your lovely new fence.

  8. Hi Shug!

    I really love your fence! Is Sam for hire? I have some fence that needs to be built... :0) It seems like summer is just slipping away, and we have not found the time to get it in, but, it will wait, it will have to! Loved the turquoise fence too, very pretty! I have a love for old fence posts, here in Idaho, we have lots of those!


  9. Love that turquoise! Nice fence too! Take care

  10. Hi Shug, love the fence and the pretty color. It really pops in the landscape. Beautiful horses grazing. Your new fence is beautiful. My son's neighbor just put up a fence like this too. Very nice and yes, eye catching.
    Have a nice weekend. Be Blessed, cm

  11. Beautiful landscaping on the golden eggs photo

  12. I think I like your new fence the best- it looks great. And also Happy Belated Birthday wishes!

  13. What an unusual fence - but pretty.
    I hope to see you at, and please join us each week for Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)!


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