Saturday, August 29, 2015

Is it Fall??

What a good week it was...........AND,  I was able to listen to so many great {First Week} of school stories from both my daughters and my grandkids.   

Kids are so cute!!!

I decorated my dad's room yesterday....  We are now into the FALL decor.    I bought an Autumn swag, and decorated his bulletin board!  Looks great.   I also purchased two, really cute banners and hung one of them in front of the curtains on his window.  Hung the other one on the bulletin board.  

I then replaced his RED bedspread with a beautiful bright Orange one.   I found a Turquoise blanket to help keep him warm.   After adding a few Fall wall hangings and a bucket of Fall flowers.......his room looked totally awesome!

I don't know if anyone else feels the way I do......but I like knowing that my dad's room is comfortable for him and that it is filled with uplifting decor.   After all....the nursing home {his room} is now his HOME!  His room needs to be comfortable and have that home feeling.

Have any of the rest of you made any FALL purchases?  I must is difficult to get all excited about the  scarecrows and pumpkins lining the store shelves.....when it is still in the upper 90's outside.   

Our little town is having a scarecrow decorating contest and the money up for grabs could land someone a hundred bucks!
The challenge is to decorate our front yards with a scarecrow or scarecrows......along with other Fall decorations.    The one voted on as BEST, wins the money.

I'm not really feeling the decorating fever yet, so it's still up in the air as to whether or not I will enter.    

After all.......I've got cruising on my mind right now.   {A story for later this week}

Hoping you all enjoy a wonderful Sunday!  Don't FORGET to do something that will Bless the Lord.



  1. I really 'need' you to visit my house and do some decorating for me.I do not have a good eye for that.I just bought a package of winter socks today,even though is was hot and humid outside.I think I may need counselling.LOL

  2. I am SO ready for fall! Nice to hear that you are getting your Dad's room ready :)

  3. Hi Shug!

    You are a wonderful daughter! I know exactly how you feel - I want my mother's room/home, to be as comfortable as it can be . . . she's my mom and I love her. You are awesome!!

    I'm not quite ready for Fall, I still need a few warm days to get some things done outside.

    I love the idea of a scarecrow contest! I love scarecrows and have a few cute ones I put out every year. I can't wait for you to show us your scarecrows! And, I always love putting up my, "Happy Fall, Y'all" sign!


  4. I'm not quite yet ready for the Fall decor to come out.
    I do love Autumn and decorating for Halloween but it's still a little to soon and I don't have the energy to drag the boxes up to decorate. I think a Scarecrow contest would be fun. I hope you do one for your yard.

  5. Sounds like you got your Dad's room perfect.
    Not ready to decorate but am ready for cooler weather.

    M : )


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