Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mary and Martha....

I can promise you that I'm not just being lazy about blogging each day.....I just simply am swamped in life.  

I'm not complaining about the business though...However, I have been missing my blogging friends.

After all....we do live in a world that is filled with distractions, don't we?  I'v kinda been feeling like a "Martha" these days.

You all know the story of Martha and Mary...the sisters of Lazarus.
Martha received Jesus into her home and instead of turning her attention upon Jesus and what He had to say....Martha turned to busyness.

Martha was upset because her sister Mary, sat at the feet of Jesus and listened.  Martha did what?  She complained! She complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping.  

What was the reply of Jesus?  He said...."Martha, Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Mary had a purpose....yet, Martha was running around and was not prepared to listen to what God was trying to say.  

Busyness was in control of Martha's life!

This is exactly how I feel....Busyness is controlling my life.  

I know that this is just a season in my life and that the NORMAL shall return soon!!  Woo hoo....I can't wait for Normal.

Blessings to you all...


  1. Yes, Mary had the better part. I am not a Martha, it is just not my nature.

  2. I trust that in all the busyness,you can find a few moments for yourself.

  3. I completely understand this!
    I think busyness is my NORMAL!
    Thanks for the reminder this is only a season...things change, but no matter what, keep your eyes on the LORD.
    Hang in there dear friend!

  4. Hi Shug!

    I'm a Martha too - sometimes I get so busy I forget to do the things I am busy doing!

    Life just has a way of getting away from us sometimes, we understand, but we still miss you.

    Love the story of Mary and Martha, it can so apply to so many people today - lesson learned!


  5. Well, there is a time for busyness and you are in it. "For everything there is a time". LOVE your header with the snapdragon and the bee! It is fabulous!

  6. I always wondered who would get the work done if Martha had sat and visited, too. ;) Take care of yourself in this busy season, Shug! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  7. I don't know what your busyness is, but if you notice....the first two letters of normal is NO. Sometimes, you just have to say no. It will be ok. Have a great day!

  8. Shug, I can relate. I'm trying to keep up, but am swamped with buying a house and selling a house, planning a move, and a 10 day trip....too much, but this will soon pass.

  9. I hope you have a good week and get lots done. Not sure what normal is but I know you'll figure out how to handle it all! Somehow we always do, don't we? Sweet hugs, Diane

  10. I am felling your pain! I am swamped with a graduating senior and all of those activities. Plus a crazy softball schedule. Why do we have to play so many games?!

  11. I can interpret the Mary/Martha story differently for you. I am a Martha... I'm the one who does the work, gets things done --and stays busy... We do need Mary's --who will stop and listen to others (whether it's Jesus or a friend or loved one) no matter what else is going on. I wish I were more like Mary sometimes ---but I'm the busy bee who keeps things going and prepares the dinners and expects others to do their part...

    After saying that, we do need Martha's in this world also... It's great to be able to be a Mary --but if we were all Mary's ---who would get the work done???????

    Just my thoughts since I'm more of a Martha.... ha

    I have a 'heavenly' post today. Check it out --if you haven't yet.

  12. I can so relate to you:)
    Anyway, good to be reminded of God's words!

  13. Hi there, Shug! This is just a busy time of year. So much to do after a long, slower paced winter. I'm still not caught up on my blog reading. I'm sure everyone understands! Take care and have a nice Friday!

  14. I love this post because I often feel like Martha too. It is so good when we can slow down a bit to concentrate on and enjoy the things that truly do matter most. Have a good and relaxing weekend.

  15. Lets hope you can be half Mary and half Martha ~ and enjoy each, they are both important, as Jesus said . . . :) Eddie x

  16. Lets hope you can be half Mary and half Martha ~ and enjoy each, they are both important, as Jesus said . . . :) Eddie x


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