Friday, April 10, 2015

Blood Moon.....

The "Blood Moon" happened last weekend.....and I am just now getting a chance to share my photo with all of you!  

I took this picture, while standing in our yard.   The moon was showing remarkable beauty!

I did not edit the Images of this picture....IT, being the moon... was just that gorgeous...


shug ~


  1. Hello - I am a new visitor coming over from Barb's Blog. I just had to tell you what a beautiful picture of the moon that is. Stunning! I hope to visit again soon. Sounds like we are at about the same place in life - enjoying grown kids and grandkids. Have a happy weekend!

  2. And, I missed it! Thank you for letting me see what I missed! So beautiful! blessings ~ tanna

  3. Wow, and taken through the tree branches! Wonderful picture!

  4. What time did you have to get up in order to see it? They told us that we could see it about 5 a.m. ---so we decided not to get up then, plus the fact that it was cloudy here that day....

    Love your photo.. Glad you saw it.

  5. That's a pretty moon...great shot! I saw the full moon but didn't get a very good shot of it. I woke up in the wee hours last night and saw the moon, not full any longer of course, but it was really red and pretty!
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. well, thank you for posting such a Lovely East Texas Version...
    I missed it. :/

    Your photo is such a great shot... I also like that Indian Paint Brush up top too!
    it's pretty!


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