Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What Speed are you traveling....

A recent photo of my Grandfather's old barn!  I've posted pictures in the past of this barn...but I never, ever get tired of seeing pictures of it.


There is more to life than increasing it's speed.       ~Gandhi

I saw examples of this first hand....during my stay at the hospital.   

On Saturday, I had a precious nurse who demonstrated the values of slowing down and living life, in a calming and productive way.

Her name? Sister M.  and  she comes from the Country of Poland.  How very Blessed I was to have her caring for me that day.  

You know me.....I wanted to rush my getting up.  I wanted to rush my coming home.    At first....I did not bother to allow Sister M's words to reach the depths of my understanding.  She gently explained to me the importance of doing this in a certain way, as well as doing that at a slower pace.   

Not me.... although I hold not a LVN degree, nor a RN degree....I figured just being ME, entitled me to know everything.   

Needless to say, within a few minutes of Sister M leaving my room...I found myself pushing the button, needing her to come back in my room, to help me take care of something that she directed me not to do in the first place!  Are any of the rest of you stubborn like this??

In her gentleness, she calmly helped me and gave me a big huge, loving smile.   

This is no ordinary lady.   She earned her nursing degree in Poland, however.....when she came to the United States, her degree meant NOTHING.   She did not speak English and so her huge challenge of living in the US began by going back to school.   She not only learned to speak our language, but she also earned her 2nd degree in Nursing.  

I have to admire someone who takes on a challenge like this and not only finishes with her 2nd degree.....but is able to do so in such a way that other's benefit from her hard work.  

I saw in her, wisdom from what she was taught as a nurse in Poland.  She did not rush...she took her time in tending to me and I felt her heartfelt desire to help ease my pain and to help me in my healing process.   

Some of her ways were so simple....yet so essential for my care.  

Try to get to know others by gaining an understanding of their world....

Shug ~


  1. Hope you are truly on the mend, and thank heaven for your nurse. Sounds like quite a lady!

  2. Love the photo of the barn.
    Pleased the surgery went well ~ just met you so I did not know you were in hospital.
    That Polish nurse is wonderful and reminds me of my wife, also Polish and her name was Maria. I lost her 2 years ago to breast cancer, after a mighty 16 year battle. Polish people are very likeable, intelligent and hard working and most are very devout and kind people.
    I take things slowly, always have . . . I was a long distance runner and not a sprinter but always caught up with the sprinters and overtook them. Maybe there is a lesson in life there somewhere . . . God bless you and wishing you a speedy convalescence . . Eddie :)

  3. First of all, I love your grandfather's old barn, too. I really do love old barns and old churches. They just have so much to say! And second, thank you for praising your nurse. My daughter is a nurse and she is very compassionate towards her patients. But nurses are pushed to the brink sometimes with time constraints, lack of help, etc. They do a tremendous job and need to hear it. I'm so glad you had a great experience with yours.

  4. How blessed you were to have this nurse! We cannot hurry healing. And at times, God wants us to slow down, in order to listen, to hear him, and to regain strength. The bible tells us to be STILL, and I think we should slow down and be still for a short time each day. HOW ARE YOU??

  5. She was just what you needed, Shug. =) I never tire of seeing your grandfather's barn either. Hope you are REMEMBERING what Sister M admonished you to do. EASY does it. blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  6. That was just so tender and meaningful. So glad you posted about this dear nurse and her care for you and her years of wisdom and persistence.

    When our daughter was in a horrific car accident in 1989 and spent a month in ICU and 9 months in the hospital, numerous skin crafts, we had a couple of nurses that I swear were angles in human skin. What a difference it makes when you are literally living at the hospital for months on end.

    Thanks again for sharing....those are memories that linger.

  7. To a degree,I think we all want to do things our way and at our speed. I'm glad you got such good care.

  8. How blessed you were to have met and been cared for by Sister M. Love your grandfathers barn.


  9. Hospital stays are always scary.
    It is always nice when one has a nurse that REALLY cares about her patients. Her background and past experiences have given her an
    appreciation of her profession.

    Glad you are home with your family.

    M :)

  10. What a blessing Sister M was... I bet she thinks the same about you!


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