Friday, September 5, 2014

We are home this evening....skipping the Football game!  We definitely should be using our season tickets that I purchased a few weeks ago.  The truth's TOO HOT outside and I just did not feel like a big challenge in trying to keep my clothes dry and my hair from dripping sweat everywhere.

I'm rooting for the Bears.....from right here in the cool comfort of AIR CONDITIONING!!    72 degrees!!


My sweetheart is not feeling well.......Sam has really struggled all Summer long as the results of the removal of his tonsils, Uvula, and the nasal repair surgery.
My heart really hurts for him!!

The Doctor's warned that it could take SEVERAL months, {even up to a year} for his body to recuperate.......but this is not what we were expecting.  After all, it has already been 3 months.


You know......God has answered so many prayers this week, and I need to give HIM the Praise and Glory that HE deserves.   It makes me feel so good in knowing that my simple prayers are important to God.    When I say simple, I mean that these are small prayers that are of concern to only me....but God knows how important they are and HE is faithful to love me.  

Thank you Lord!!

Hugs to you all...


  1. I am so sorry about Sam. Is he able to sleep laying down? I can tell you how to go to the games in the heat. Go to Amazon and look up 02 Cool fan necklace. They are great!! It is a fan on a necklace, they come in all pretty colors, and really blow the air at your face. AND they fit in your purse. My friends love them too. It has gotten me through many hot times.

  2. I hope each day finds Sam better and better. Stay cool.

  3. God loves to hear His children pray and He delights in answering our prayers. I pray that Sam will feel better soon.

  4. You are right to keep the faith..hold stead and all your ends will come out even, Shug. The road can certainly get emotionally bumpy at times though.
    Take care.

  5. Stay cool and take care of Sam.
    I hope he gets to feeling better soon.

    M :)


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