Thursday, September 25, 2014

He Will Fight Your Battle for You....

"The steadfast love of the Lord never cease; His mercies never come to an end;   They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
                                                 Lamentations 3:22-23

Today is a perfect day to reach out and receive God's new Blessings!  They are new every morning!!  God is so very faithful.....even when we are not!!  

God's Grace is as fresh as the new day......His unmerited favor is waiting for us!   Perhaps one of you are experiencing a day of sorrow, a day of heaviness.  I would encourage you to reach out and speak God's name.....Share with Him about His promises.   Wait on Him....For He is prepared to fight your battle for you!!

God's Mercy and Compassion fail Not!!!

Hugs Friends....
Shug ~


  1. Hi Shug~

    A perfect message for me today, thank you sweet friend!


  2. Praise God for His steadfast mercies and grace.

  3. Hi Shug - so good to give us this reminder!!! I'm so guilty of trying to fix everything myself or try to make myself feel better. The battle belongs to the Lord! Have a wonderful week!

  4. I feel very blessed today! Enjoy your afternoon! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Phil was just reading in Zechariah 10:8 that God will actually whistle for us and gather us all together as His people. He will bring his people from all over the earth. Your old barn is both beautiful and sad. Wishing you a great weekend, Shug.

  6. reach out and speak God's name...
    this is wonderful.
    I was just sharing with my son (who is experiencing doubt in a faith crisis) ...that when we try and bring God down to our level of understanding, we create in our mind a false god ...not worthy of praise. We need to lift up His name and Praise Him ...because he is worthy!

    ...Thank Him for fighting our battles for us!
    loved this, Shug! Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Thanks for the good message. I know I can always find faith, inspiration and goodness here!

  8. YES----that is a perfect scripture for each of us.. We need to remember this one FOREVER. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Amen and amen and amen. blessings ~ tanna


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