Friday, August 22, 2014

Had myself a Rigger!!

Gee Whiz........The temps are in the upper 90's around here and when I step outside, I feel like I'm in a desert.

We have so much humidity around here, which causes it to be REALLY Hot.   

I so need to be one of those people who has two homes!!  A Summer home up in Alaska, and a Winter home here in East Texas.
Haven't won the lottery yet, so I guess the two home deal isn't likely to happen.   Of course, you can't win the lottery if you don't play!!

Everyday this week, I have to go into town (Big City of Tyler) for some kind of reason, like taking grandkids to the doctor, or shopping, or  to get their hair done before school starts, OR to buy a new car.   (Yep, Tyler bought a car)   He gave his truck to Tucker, who will be driving in just a few weeks!!

Anyways.......(to get myself back on track here) it is best to get out early in the morning and get things done before the evening heat sets in!!  The temps are not bad until around 1:00 in the afternoon!  Then it is blistering Hot!!

I came home today and the very minute that I walked into the house, I knew something was wrong with the air conditioner!  What was wrong was that Sam moved the thermostat up to past 75 degrees!!

Lands......I nearly had myself a rigger!!!    I sent him a message and told him he needed to buy himself a coat!!  Don't be messing with the thermostat!!!  I think I must have been having a "Power Surge"

Men.....?   I think that during the hottest week of the year, they should get to experience what it's like to have Hot Flashes!  Over and over again!!!

No, not really.....I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!   REALLY!!

OK.....I'm cooled down and my rant is over!!   lol.

Y'all have a good one!!
Shug !


  1. I keep it cool in here too, never over 75! Phil puts up with it well and just wears a quilted shirt around the house. You can put more clothes on, but you can not take off that much! I totally understand! It seems to be universal that men run cooler than women!

  2. Hahaha!
    Girl I totally feel your pain!
    You are not kidding about it being hot here either...My Lands! IT GETS HOT! and the wind!!! whew.
    It is like a big hot blow dryer just blowing across our back pasture.
    Try and stay cool... and try and Keep your cool when it comes to the men folks. They just don't get it.

  3. My husband likes to keep the thermostat set on 79! I am not kidding! Needless to say, I adjust it a lot.

  4. Sounds like my home ,while Jake was alive. He would turn up the thermostat and I would turn it down. This happened all year,in summer with cooling and in winter with heating. Too many 'Tropical' moments for me back then.Now these are but precious memories.

  5. I'm trying to get out and back before noon also. I don't like the heat. I keep the thermostat on 74, and some days that's too hot!

  6. My Hubby never touches the thermostat. I keep it on 73 during the day and 68 at night. I like for it to be cold at night so that I can pile on the covers. I know, crazy!

    Happy weekend!


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