Saturday, June 7, 2014

Be You!!

Graduation is over.....

 It's your time to move forward.......

                       Don't Look Back!!

Don't look back.....If it's good, it's wonderful.  If it's bad, it is experience.  Don't look back in regret.....Move forward with your heart, full of determination and Hope!!

Spend time with people who lift your Spirit.   Live today ~ be present throughout your day.  Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Prioritize YOUR happiness ~ allocate time and activities every day FOR YOU.  Be strong, face any Challenges Head on.

Take some time to breathe and slow down a little.  Listen to your inner being.

Believe in yourself, your dreams, and your aspirations......Take that first step toward fulfilling them.

Be Proud, Be Strong, Be Kind to yourself and to others and most importantly.......BE YOU!!

Love you Tyler Samuel Thomison...

Shug ~


  1. Shug, A perfect sentiment of such an important ' beginning.' How very little we really knew at that age. Life can be so sweet with so many detours, all according to God's plan for each of us. Hang on young graduates, it's going to be quite a ride!

  2. What a beautiful post, Shug! I know you are so proud. The time just flies by and it's hard for us to believe! He sure is a handsome young man and I hope he has a wonderful summer! Hugs, Diane

  3. How very true!

    I know that you and your family are
    very proud of Tyler!

    M : )

  4. Congrats to Tyler... Looks like you had good weather for the graduation. Did you cry??? BET SO!!!!! ha


  5. You wrote a lovely tribute to you handsome grandson. Beautiful photos and sentiments. I know with the Lord's help and his family behind him, Tyler will do well.


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