Friday, April 11, 2014

Things I've learned this week.....

"I've Been Everywhere" old song that Johnny Cash once sang!

I do believe that this song applies to me...for this week!  Even though I've not left the big state of Texas....I have certainly made a lot of events.   And....I have learned a lot about life!!!

I now can say that I have officially been to a "Pig Show!"
Last evening was a first for Sam and I......and I can tell you that we both truly enjoyed seeing {what seemed to be a gazillion} pigs being driven by their owners into an arena, in hopes of winning the judges likes.

First up was our "Pumpkin Roll".....this was Tyler's red pig!  Unfortunately, this pig had some issues {like a mini stroke} about three weeks ago and was still not able to walk well at the show.....SO, Pumpkin Roll will be going to the slaughter house.

Next up was "Theo"......Tori's pig.
Tyler showed her pig because Tori was uncomfortable in not knowing exactly what to do.....Next year, she will be able to show her own pig.

Well.....after a very long wait.....the judge chose Theo as the 3rd place pig in this division.

Now, Theo will go to the big sale on Saturday!!

The above picture is of Tucker, Carol {the lady he purchased his piggie from} and .......GUS.

Gus was awarded eighth place in his division and he too will be going to the sell this coming Saturday.

Our high school FFA and the 4H club was well represented at the livestock show.    It is great to see how these kids really put their all into showing their pigs and other livestock.

I find it amazing that these kids are learning so much while participating in this program.  It teaches them  responsibility and it also teaches them about the business aspect of making or losing money.

Tyler and his cousin, the show!

Oh what a week this has been......I not only have learned all about showing pigs, but I have also learned how to drive a golf cart and keep the thing on the the end of the golf day, I even knew how to put the golf cart in reverse!!!
       {this is another story by itself}

I've learned that in Redneck Country......if your school mascot is an can most certainly have a STUFFED animal hanging on the gym wall......

I've also learned that kids can still have fun after school.....
eating snow cones, riding bikes, swinging, and riding an old metal horse that is 18 years old.    All it takes is for parents and grandparents to spend a little extra time giving them these opportunities to be a kid and have fun.

Life is good!!

Hugs to you all....
Shug ~


  1. Hello on a gorgeous, spring day in TENNESSEE. Wow---after the long and bitter winter we had this year, Spring is even more inviting and lovely.

    A "Pig Show" huh???? That's something I have never been to in my entire life.. Sounds like fun!!!!!

    I read recently that the price of pork/bacon is gonna go sky high since many little piglets are dying from some kind of virus... Have you heard that?

    We are now home 'again' --after our 5th trip since the end of February.... Seems as if we visited five different states --although the trips weren't planned for that reason... ha... BUT--as I always say, it's great to be home... I did publish a blog post today--so check it out when you have time. Have a wonderful weekend.


  2. That pig bus cracked me up! I've never seen anything like it, lol!! I so enjoy reading about all the fun you and your family have together. Y'all sure get around and do lots of fun things. Congrats on Tori's pig winning 3rd. Have a beautiful, blessed weekend!

  3. Sounds like a great way to spend the

    M : )

  4. Hahhhaaaa... Love that mount on the gym wall...THAT has to be a first...


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