Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Even If I did Snore......

Even If I did snore last night...... 

 The Blessings of the Lord have made me RICH this morning.    Rich in the sweetness of life.
This is a perfectly ordinary day.....yet, I am expecting extraordinary things to happen...........!

Opportunity knocked softly at my door this morning......and I welcomed it in.  Love was it's name!  I am extremely thankful that my heart is full of love.

There is nothing quite so deeply satisfying as knowing that you can be a blessing to those that you love.  

"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are--no more, no less.  That's the moment you find yourself yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."
                                                                                                Matthew 5:5

How sweet it is to know that I am already ahead of my day.   Bed made......check,
Dishes done.......check,  kitchen cleaned......check, Laundry going......check, lunches made....check, breakfast served......check,  family out the door.....check, All happy with big smiles......check, Devotion read......check, Tonight's dinner in the crock-pot......check!!!!!

The older I get, the more I realize that "The More I Give Of Myself......I Need Not Seek Happiness....It Seeks Me!!"

Sprinkles of Happiness being sent your way!!

Shug ~


  1. Thanks, Friend. Giving does bring happiness!!!!! We all need to remember that.

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Your posts always put a smile on my face. You are brimming with joy in the Lord and joy in your family. Hugs, Shug!

  3. such a great post, I'm still smiling!

  4. What a happy post! I think you have life figured out in that you know what really matters. Good for you!
    Happy rest of the week!

  5. You fooled me! I thought you were going to talk about snoring in this post. Haha! I know a couple of people who need a little help in that arena.

    Sprinkles of Happiness back at ya!

  6. Amen, Shug! thank you for my sprinkle of happiness, too!! blessings ~ tanna


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