Monday, December 2, 2013

Week update

  My goodness, my days have been more like 6 hour days and my nights have been like 6 hour nights......In other words, not enough hours in my days (or nights)

Our family celebrated a fun-filled, four day celebration, of being extremely thankful for so many things.   Of course, we are thankful every single day......what made the Thanksgiving Holiday's so special, was being able to spend quality time with family and friends!

My dad certainly enjoyed the entire family being able to get together and share not only a fabulous meal, but lots of games and fellowship.   Dad did not know everyone by name, but he knew their faces.  He made me smile because he kept saying....."do all of these people belong to me?"  Lol..

The kids returned to school today and the rest of my crew were back at work.   I had a FULL day planned of doing laundry, sweeping, mopping and cleaning house.  However, I spent the day taking care of our youngest grandson.....Trey.   Lets just say...... a family game of football was just a bit too rough and Trey ended up with a broken collar bone.   Yes, he sure did!  Bless His Heart....none of us knew that it was broken, until this morning.    I'm happy that I could be here for him!!

I remember breaking my collar bone when I was about 14.   Oh my goodness!  It hurt so bad and as I recall.....I was miserable for weeks.  My shoulder hurt, my neck hurt, my arm and wrist hurt......I hurt all over.

 I can tell you that I am so proud of our big boy!  He has really been a trooper and has been extremely tough throughout the entire ordeal.   He is in a sling right now, but will see an orthopedic doctor this week.   According to the x-ray, it sure looks like it needs to be set....Or Something!!!

I have much more to post.....(as I'm sure you all want to hear about my BLACK FRIDAY shopping trip) but for right now....My bed is calling my name!!

See ya later!



  1. Yes, I was expecting your Black Friday report (did you know one woman tased another in one of the fights)? But not something like this, poor boy, it must really hurt! It is so good that he has you. Get a good night's sleep, Shug!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful family celebration. Well, minus Trey's broken collarbone. Yikers. Hope he heals quickly!! I love the photo in your header. You have a beautiful family. I didn't see you on the news or in any youtube videos, so hopefully your Black Friday shopping was tame. :) Get some rest, sweet Shug.

  3. Sorry to hear about Trey's accident. Yes,I am waiting to hear all about your shopping adventures.

  4. I hear ya on not having enough hours in the day and my life isn't as busy as yours, I'm sure. I'm just slow! Sorry to hear about the broken collar bone. Ouch, that sounds painful. Take care and have a nice week!

  5. Oh my goodness- poor thing! I had one of my grands today too- he has a horrible cough...but did pretty well today. You have a lovely family Shug!


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