Monday, December 9, 2013

Hard to Believe

Hard to believe that this ol' girl is at a loss for words today.  I'm speaking about me......not the reindeer.
I have nothing NEW going on in my life right now (and this is ok).......I have NO parties to plan for.....and I'm not motivated at this moment.....  

But......I'm a Happy Chick!!


I've got me some fashionable fingernails.

Check em' out!!!!!

Yep.....had these done last week and I was so excited because the red tip is something different.   Wouldn't you know it.....I got to church yesterday and I see 3 other ladies with their nails done.......JUST LIKE MINE!   

Will just have to get my (thinker) thinking, about what I can do different this week, to these lovely nails.

Have you ever wanted to just ZONE OUT???? out doesn't sound fun....Let's just go with 
DAYDREAM.....big time!!

I need to release my mind!
 Occasionally, the warning message below streaks across my forehead....


This is when my daydreaming becomes a lifesaver!!

This is what I call a SWEET daydream!!

Have a super Blessed day.....It's a Beautiful world out there..



  1. These nails are so YOU! Love the look. At least with the other ladies at church having the same color scheme, you didn't feel out of place. Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. Great minds have the same nails.

    Sometimes doing nothing is ok.

    M : )

  3. Your nails ROCK!!! The women around here always have different and unusual nails. Yours are very Christmassy! I could never do it myself, I stick with plain polish or sparkle! I just bought a bottle of gold glitter polish for Anne and me to paint each other's nails!

  4. This happened to me at church too- only it wasn't nails, it was a peach sweater...I just smile and say- "you have excellent taste, too!"

  5. That is what reading does for me in the evening. It clears my mind! Love the nails!

  6. You are so funny! I have not seen that particular nail design. I just always get the same ole white tip solar nail. Hope the weather is getting warmer there. We're freezing too death and wishing for some sunshine!

  7. Cute nails. Doing nothing is okay in my book. I do nothing quite often!! :)

  8. Wow--those nails are neat!!!! Haven't ever seen that done before…

    I always enjoy your blog posts even when you say you have nothing to say!!!!! ha

    Had a nice service for Dad Adams yesterday --and got to see many old friends and family members. We also enjoyed a family lunch together. Dad is in a better place now… Thanks be to God.


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