Monday, December 30, 2013

Crown the year with Goodness....

.......Oh yes, what a year it has been!  I can honestly say that the year of Twenty Thirteen......has  not been my favorite.  But....I am still alive, I'm healthy, and I'm loved!!!!

I have seen Blessings......Galore and I am extremely thankful for each one.    I have also seen some "not so USUAL" things happen as well.   

I suppose that this has been a year of learning!  I've had to learn to take the time to listen to God and I've had to learn to not hold back from HIM.   

Giving up a portion of my "Perfectionism" trait has been a real struggle, but it has made me realize that there is much more to life than stressing over the lack of perfectionism that I like to see in OTHERS.  Did you get that?  I said Others, which is something that is out of my control anyways!!!

Another thing that has been difficult for me is the "Control Factor."  What comes with expecting perfectionism?  It's this thing called CONTROL.    Gracious me.....I need someone to be in control of ME!!!  Lordy, Lordy.....I'm a handful so why would I put pressure on myself by wanting to control others.

Oh, Oh, is a big one!!!   I really have learned to say NO this year.    I'm not kidding you....I really can say No!!    The good thing about saying NO is that it has relieved me of so much stress and the more I say it......THE BETTER IT FEELS!!!

As 2013 nears the end......I want to say that I am very thankful for each of these NEW accomplishments in my life.....the things that I have had to learn to change!!

I won't deny.....  the challenges were very hard in getting to where I am at right now.....and I hope that this session of my learning is nearing an end.   I'm definitely looking forward to 




  1. Wishing for you and those you love a New Year filled to overflowing with blessings.

  2. I look forward to our blog visits with each other in 2014. May your year be filled with blessings.

  3. Hi Sweet Shug!

    Happy New Year sweet friend!


  4. Wishing you many, many blessings in the coming year! Happy New Year!

  5. We never seem to "get" all our life lessons... you'd think we'd have about had them all by now. Hee hee. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2014, Shug. blessings ~ tanna

  6. Happy 2014 to you and yours. My wish for you is a year full of lots of JOY, PEACE, LOVE and BLESSINGS.

    Happy New Year.

  7. I love how your write and the way it pours out of your heart. May your journey in 2014 be a little less stressful and filled with blessings. Keep writing and inspiring us. Thank you for your wise words; they help me more than you'll know.

  8. Wishing you many blessings, Shug! Glad you received the HF box! You and yours have a great Happy Healthy Prosperous year!

  9. Happy New Year Shug !
    Best Wishes to you and yours ,

  10. Congratulations on your accomplishments!!

    Here's hoping 2014 will be a much better year for you!

    M :)


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