Friday, November 22, 2013

Great day to Snuggle...

I love the sound of a gentle rain with thunder in the distance..  This is exactly what we have going on right now and I am certainly enjoying the morning.   Of course, I sure was sad to see my darlings, having to get out in the rain as they headed off to school.

  Believe's during times like this, that I don't mind being OLDER!  I get to stay home and sip on a hot cup of coffee as I spend quality time.....BLOGGING!
Oh........AND, it's a great day to snuggle up in a Warm blanket!!

I have several things on my list of "TO DO's" for the day, but nothing requires me to have to step outside.
This rarely happens, but somehow I saved all of my laundry for today.  This has been a week of running errands and doing for others!!!

Now, I must concentrate on the weekend......   I do not like to go into a weekend, with loads of laundry in baskets, or with a mess in the house.   Not sure about you, but I prefer to start my Saturday morning with nothing holding me back from what I want to do.  

My darlings have already given me their Christmas list, and starting Monday morning......I plan to be out there picking up some of these items, before their sizes are gone and most definitely before the mad rush of Black Friday shopping.    I need to clarify something though......I WILL BE SHOPPING ON BLACK FRIDAY, just not doing the serious shopping.......BECAUSE, I will already have it DONE!!!

How about you???   Are you a "Black Friday" shopper?     I have a lot of friends that stay as far away from the shopping areas as possible.   I can't fib about is a bit harder to do these days, BUT.....

                                                       THIS WILL BE ME ON FRIDAY!!



Have a Blessed Day.....

hug ~


  1. Well, you have fun, Shug! I will not be adding to the crowd on Black Friday. I will have 2/3 of my kids with me for a too short visit, so hopefully we will find something fun to do. You enjoy your morning and your weekend!

  2. Have a fabulous weekend. Hope the shopping trip will be successful.

  3. Hi Shug!! WOW, your header is just breathtaking, how did you do it?? It is a dreamy fall, full of light!!!! Yes, I like everything abut Black Friday! The sales, the hustle and bustle, the excitement. Most of my friends hate it because of the traffic and crowds. Here, they are having Black Thursday now!!!! But I think that is not so good, can't America reserve just one whole day for thanks? I may blog about it, but don't want to get anyone mad! YES I agree that is one of the best things about being our age! We don't have to get up early and go out!

  4. Oh you brave soul! I get claustrophobic in crowds so I avoid Black Friday. I was planning on hitting the stores Monday morning also. I've got Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole Christmas music playing and I am in the mood to SHOP!

  5. black friday, I haven't heard of this, but enjoy!

  6. I am not a Black Friday shopper at all. I worked retail while going to college. That was enough for me! lol

  7. Ugh---you are talking to a non-shopper. I have NEVER been shopping on Black Friday --and never will. I despise crowds for one thing --and despise shopping for another... Am I just an ole scrooge????? ha


  8. haha! good for you - no I' won't be shopping - although I'm only half way done!
    Mary x

  9. Shug
    I wish I could send my list to you!
    Seriously, it is a fun day if you have a daughter, friend, or family to shop with.
    I do most of my shopping on line these days.


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