Saturday, June 1, 2013

Walking in the Rain

Oh my goodness y'all.......did I ever have the time of my life this past evening.    I spent about 4 hours painting...

Yes......I said PAINTING!

It all started right here!!    This is my painting crew, plus Shanda Kay.....who was taking the picture.

We attended a class at  "Pinot's Palette"  in Tyler, and it was more fun than singing with a barrel of monkeys...

First things first.....I had to find my center focal point and then do some preliminary sketches of my lady.....who is going to be walking in the rain...

Since it was my first time to paint here.....I tried to follow along.  I could have used different colors in the lady's dress and the umbrella, but I was a little too insecure about my painting abilities to venture in that direction.....especially since I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to pull this photo off without messing up.

The painting on the left is mine and the one with the gorgeous orange colored umbrella, belongs to Shanda.    Trista was painting on the other side of me, but she had taken her beautiful piece just around the corner, when we took photo.  

Both my girls, Brandi, and Anna (the other ladies in our party) did an exceptionally good job with each of their paintings.    It was amazing to see how each person's painting looked so different.....

                   and here it is........      My painting...

Please don't look real close.......I wouldn't want you to see my mistakes!!

Honestly.......I'm very pleased with what I accomplished......

Now......where to hang it???

Hugs Y'all.....

Shug ~


  1. How are a true artist, my friend, I love this painting you did! You should join Alyson at The Polo House for her Favorites on the First she has the theme: Our favorite Paintings party. Come over!
    Big hugs,

  2. How much fun! I love going to our local Sips 'n Strokes. It's fun to see how everyone's painting looks different even though the subject matter is the same. I think you did an excellent job.

    Linking from Alison's party,
    Ricki Jill

  3. What a fun idea! Your painting is charming. It' fun to see how each put in their own twist to the same idea.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I think you did a fantastic job, Shug! It looks beautiful. Are you going to do another one? Have fun!

  5. Lovely picture,but what is even better is the fact that you had a wonderful time with friends and loved ones.The picture will always serve to remind you if this.

  6. Hi Shug!

    Welcome to Favorites on the First! LOVE newcomers and so thrilled that you came by to share this lovely painting with us!

    I think you did an AWESOME job! Painting is so hard! I have tried and tried to paint and I am horrible. I can draw, but I cannot paint. So different!

    Looks like a wonderful afternoon and you have a perfect gift to remember the day. What could be better!

    (And by the way, I love people who smile too -- in the rain, in the snow, in their sleep -- wherever!)

    Thanks so much for sharing with all of us! NIce to cyber-meet you.

    Alison :)

  7. It is WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL! And awesome for a first try, I could never do anything this good. I love it and yes, you HAVE to hang it, in the living room where everyone will see it. The leaf on the water header, did you take that shot? STUNNING, one of my favorite pictures you have ever posted!

  8. Gorgeous! I love your enthusiasm for life in general!

  9. Pure AWESOMENESS!!! Love it, Shug! I've been wanting to go there; you've just made me want to more!! Great fun!! blessings ~ tanna

  10. Wow! I can't imagine painting a picture like that. You all must have a lot of talent that has just not been tapped! That's great!

  11. For someone who doesn't draw or paint AT ALL--you are a professional. Love your 'singin' in the rain' lady... AND--she matches!!!!!! How 'bout that?????

    BUT--I do like Shanda's umbrella since it's Tennessee Vol Orange.....

    It's raining here today --and I do LOVE it.

  12. {{{{{ SHUG }}}}....this is wonderful. You did an amazing job.
    I would love to try this sometime...I've never painted a thing in my life.
    Debbie Doo blogged about painting and drinking wine and having such a good time and I was going to get my daughter and a couple grands to do it with me. Then....I forgot.
    Thanks for posting I will give it a try.:))

  13. Love it, dont you just enjoy painting class... its amazing how much one can learn and focus on when in an art studio!

  14. Well, hats off to you my friend. I'm very impressed and I love the subject, very sassy! Blessings!

  15. Shug! This is awesome! It needs to shine in a prominent place in your home. The colors and artistry are so beautiful! Beautiful job!


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