Tuesday, May 28, 2013

NO Stressing Over the Future..

It has been quite a while since I have been at a loss for words.   I'll tell you though....this sweet mind of mine has nothing very solid to talk about today.  

Have you ever been in this kind of state before?  You see.....I'm not a bird watcher.....so, I have no pictures of fowl.....but I do so love seeing all the photos of the gorgeous birds that are posted by my blogging friends.  I'm not a big traveler, so NO photos to show in this area.  I like to cook...but if you will notice, I didn't say that I LOVE to cook.  I may occasionally have some photos to post of a pie or cake that Mylee and I made at a moments notice.

I do have a heart for the flower world, but this year.....my yard is flower-less!  Yes....I mean that I have not planted a single flower and it is already near the first of June.  I guess I had better get busy planting, or just forget about it this year.  And by the way....No garden has been planted....not a single tomato, squash, nor a pepper of any kind.

 I'm definitely not a painter or a knitter.....nor am I a musician.  

What I am and what I have been for quite  some time is a care-taker.   Not just any care-taker....but a care-taker of the most precious people in the world.  

Well........changes are beginning to take place for this dear ol' shug......

  And....I do believe that this mind of mine is experiencing a tad bit of empty nest syndrome right now.  I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do with myself.  I've job searched......   :(  :(       Been thinking that a part-time job is what I need!!    Can't say that I've come up with anything in this department.   There have been a couple of jobs of interest, but the distance is a little further than I want to drive.  

 I can't see working just to pay for gas to get you back and forth to work.   

Sure sounds like I'm a basket case, doesn't it?  

Just this afternoon, I told my Sam that I didn't like stressing over the future......SO, I'm NOT.  Just gonna place it all in the hands of the Lord!  

Isiah 40:31

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Teach me Lord.....Teach me Lord.....to wait!!

Don't give up on me.....I'll soon be back to writing some good stuff for my blog!  I Promise!!

Shug... ~


  1. Well, I consider THIS to be the good stuff! Not some pretty picture and that is all. Instead what is going on with you and your views of yourself. Actually, I am not a knitter, a sewer, a cook, a traveler. But I am a Deacon and I take care of people. And I blog! And that is just perfect for me. You and I are very alike, Shug. I hope you find a job that brings you joy, and tell us when you do!

  2. Amazing all of the life changes we make throughout life... AND---we always seem to get through them and move on to something else as we travel through the years. I'm sure you will find your 'passion' out there. And the best way to find it is to relax with no stress (like you said).... You are a talented lady with LOTS of skills... You'll find that joy!!!!


  3. Shug, I STILL struggle with the empty nest business... or the MILES away business. Some days I am so sad I can hardly move forward... I pray. I try to push on. I do. You will, too. blessings and {{big hugs}} ~ tanna

  4. Changes are inevitable,but that doesn't mean you or I have to like them. God will provide something meaningful for you to fill your time with,I am sure.

  5. Maybe this is the time for YOU to explore things that you did not have time for in the past.

    Go slow and see what come along.


  6. You've just become an empty-nester, so what I would do is just coast along for a little while and see what interests you. It may be that you find a part-time job or something will pop up that makes you think "I want to try that!"

    I wish I had my old part-time job back, but I don't want the drive. But, I love to blog, read, take photos, bird watch, go to flea markets, and so much more. There really isn't enough time in the day to do all I'd like to do!

    You'll soon be finding all kinds of things to get interested in, I'm sure. Take care!

  7. Life is so full of changes! I know you will make the adjustment!


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