Sunday, April 28, 2013

The cure

Oh dear me.........

I desperately need a cup of hot tea......

With Lemons..........And some....


My husband most definitely believes in the mixture of honey, lemon, hot tea.......and, ALUM.  This is his number one remedy for those suffering with allergies.  

I can handle the hot tea, the lemon and the honey, but I have to stop when it comes to adding the alum.

True.....oh so true.

My head hurts, throat hurts, eyes hurt, body aches, have sinus drainage and FEVER!!

Needless to say.....I have been on the sofa most of the day...I did try the Nettie pot and to my amazement, it did help....JUST NOT ENOUGH......

I sure hope I feel better tomorrow....



  1. I'm so sorry you suffer from allergies. They really can be a trial. I have never heard of using alum but I do use the honey and lemon. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Oh no! Poor Shug. Are you desperate enough yet to add the alum? Lord, please relieve Shug's suffering. AMen and hugs!

  3. You poor thing!! Hope you feel better very soon! and yes the lemon and honey sounds as if it will work wonders.
    Mary x

  4. oh no, I find the netti pot, gargling with salt water and steaming my sinus helps, and taking an antihistamine, I use Zertec and they say to eat lots of local honey, it may help build an immunity to the pollen, rinse your nose when you come in from out side too, it washes any pollen out of your nose!I even know people who change their clothes to rrid the pollen when coming in from out doors, take care my freind, allergies are no fun.I have no allergies to pollen but I am allergic to dust mites cats and dogs, severely so,

  5. So sorry you are feeling bad with allergies, Shug. I've heard that eating honey that is made locally will help with allergies. Hope you feel better real soon!

  6. Now,that's no way to celebrate spring. Hope you are already on the mend.

  7. Those darn allergies. They are mean to everyone.

    hope you feel some relief soon.

    M :)

  8. Hope you get better too. I did try a teaspoon of local honey a day last year for allergies and it really helped, besides it tasted good.

    Yes, I included the link to the tutorial for the Ombre Rose Cake on the post, but I went back and made it more obvious. It really is easier than you think and the layers of cake show you how big to make the roses and if you do one you hate, pull it off with a knife and start again. I did that several times.

  9. Spring is here and now here comes the allergies - I hope you feel better. sandie

  10. Oh, bless your heart! I know so many folks that suffer with allergies and this time of year is the absolute worse! Hope you feel better soon!


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