Thursday, March 7, 2013

The aroma of warm, buttery.........

It's a sweet morning here in Shug land.....Monkey bread is in the oven right now and our home is filled with the aroma of warm, buttery, cinnamon bread.

Ooops.....give me one moment! ..............................................   And now it's ready to eat!


The temps are suppose to reach into the 70's today and the sun in scheduled to shine brightly.  You just have to love Texas weather....We never know what we're gonna get.

My hair is gonna to be "refreshed" this morning!!  Woo hoo...
this more gray roots for a few weeks.  Really makes a girl feel GREAT when her hair is freshly highlighted.

The Lord blessed me with a good night's rest and I feel great this morning....

Oh Happy Day!!

Blessings Y'all.....


  1. Oh, Shug! I am so excited about the 70 degree weather today!! I've got to get myself off here, do some work and then get OUT THERE!! ;) That monkey bread is threatening my determination to stay on my diet! LOL! Enjoy this beautiful day the Lord has made. blessings ~ tanna

  2. Happy day to you also. I sure could use some monkey bread right now.

  3. Starting off your day so sweetly! Isn't it nice to get a good night's rest? It's so rare for me anymore. Enjoy getting your hair did!

  4. This post makes me hungry.No,wait,I was hungry before I started reading this,but now I REALLY want some of that Monkey Bread.

  5. Yum! The monkey bread looks delicious. Save some for me! :)

    There's just something about knowing your hair looks good that makes a person feel good all over! I can put on a nice outfit, but if the hair doesn't look good too, I'm not happy with it.

    Have a happy day!

  6. I'm green with envy, first, your warm weather and then your monkey bread, right out of the oven!

    And there's nothing like just getting your hair done. I'm doing that next week, can't wait!

    We just got 10" more snow a couple of days ago, and it's finally in the low 30's today! Woo hoo! :-)

    I love, love "Oh Happy Day" by the Edwin Hawkins singers!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day... It does make a girl feel better to get hair cleaned, cut and/or colored Life is good...

    I think I can smell that Monkey Bread from here... YUM.

  8. It looks great! Did you get my e-mail? I hope it helps. Now I want a picture of you with the new hair!!


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