Friday, March 8, 2013

Blooms are everywhere.

Blooms are everywhere......

The Bridal Wreath ...also known as spirea, is bursting forth this year with the most beautiful clusters of tiny white blooms.

I do love this bush and it's massive growth each year, but....the blooms just do not last long enough.  Don't get me wrong....I am very thankful to see them bloom each year, but just like the Dogwood tree, I would love for the blooms to hang around a while longer.

This is one of my all time favorites.....the gorgeous strands of Carolina Jasmine.  I love the sweet fragrance of this climber and the gorgeous yellow blooms bring much happiness to my soul.

This flower is absolutely stunning in any landscape.

The Redbud trees are opening up with their tiny blooms and are bringing us much beauty...  This time of the year, these trees really do pop out in the landscape of an almost.... all..... brown..... background of trees that are still in the dormant stage of life....

I do believe that spring is on it's way.....
**NO PICTURES of  snakes from this gal..... but be warned.....when the flowers and trees start to bloom......the snakes come out as well...   YIKES!   I'm scared of em'.......

Hope you all have a "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Beautiful kind of day....   which is.... an "indescribable" kind of beautiful day!!



  1. Such pretty blooms, Shug! Glad spring has arrived in your area. I've been seeing wild Carolina Jasmine on my hikes recently. Thank you for identifying this flower because it was driving me crazy trying to figure out what it was. Our redbud trees in the front yard are about to burst. Cannot wait! Have a great weekend. I am off to do some wildlife photography! What else? :)

  2. Oh I can't wait to see some spring flowers! These photos are just gorgeous. Hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!

  3. Oh you are SOOOOOOO lucky - it's spring with you and you can enjoy these beautiful blossoms - thanks for the taste of the warm weather :))
    Mary x

  4. Adoro las flores me gusta la jardinería felicitaciones por su blog,hugs,hugs.

  5. Spring flowers already?WOW! Thanks for sharing them.I will have to wait for the snow to melt before I can expect flowers here.That's ok,especially when I get to enjoy yours

  6. Your blog is just gorgeous today, Shug. A happy place to visit and sit a spell. The combination of the yellow background and beautiful blooms. And I love Redbud too!

  7. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blossoms with us. Thanks, too, for the birthday wishes.


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