Monday, January 28, 2013

Just Call Me a Photographer!

Thank goodness for the invention of the camera...

Can you imagine going on a vacation without your camera?  I usually have a camera within my reach at any given time.  I want to be able to capture those precious moments that I don't ever want to forget.

I must is nice to be able to pick up a light weight camera and snap a shot, without the worry of the film being ruined.  Not sure I would be able to operate the kind of cameras in the above photo.

It is extremely nice, having a wonderful camera on my iPhone 5...........honestly, the pictures are great!!
You wouldn't believe all the things that I do with my phone camera.  A lot of times, I will take a picture of my food that I order at a new restaurant.  This way, if I like it......I know what to order next time.  If I don't like it, I know what NOT to order the next time!  

I take pictures of recipes on Pinterest.  This makes grocery shopping a breeze when I am cooking a new dish.  

I take pictures of schedules so I can have them everywhere I go.  This keeps me from double scheduling   my days.   I do keep a calendar, but I have found that it is so easy to quickly look at my phone when I am making appointments.  I also take pictures of my dad's doctor's appointments.   This way, I have the time, date, the doctor's phone number and any other info right there for my convenience. 

I love using my iPhone camera when I go shopping.  If I see something I like, then I snap a picture and study it for a few days before I (impulse) buy.   Sometimes, this saves me a lot of money.
And.....this is a wonderful way to compare prices.   Take a picture of the item and the price tag....
Shop other places and see if you can find yourself a bargain!

Here is another great idea.   If you see something you like and you know full well that you can make the item to your own liking......take a picture and make one for yourself.   I must say, I do honor those postings that say NO CAMERAS ALLOWED.   If cameras are not allowed in certain stores, then I make sure that I follow the rules and avoid taking pictures.  

No one said that I was good at taking pictures, but since I take so many each day.....

I think it's fair to claim the title of 


Blessings dear friends...



  1. You are most definitely a photographer. I like the idea of taking pictures of appointments and such.

  2. I use my iPhone for photography a lot! Can't wait to upgrade to the 5 in May. I use mine in helping to determine purchases also. I have the same antique camera in your photo with the rust on it (next to the Yashica) and also the Brownie. The Brownie was the first camera I ever used, so it's special to me. Hope things are going well!

  3. Hope all is going well for you and your family.

    Cameras are great! We take ALOT
    of pictures.

    Just an FYI--I am doing the Card Shower again if you are intersted.
    The girls are more than welcome to help also as are those cute grand kids.

    M :)

  4. What a great collection of old cameras!

    I sued to go everywhere with my point and shoot camera but now I cheat and just use my iPhone.

    Have a great day, jj

  5. I love the way this wreath has been turned into a Valentine one!! Very cool!!! I wish I had an iPhone, the camera on my little phone is crummy!

  6. Look at that collection of cameras you have - awesome.

  7. That is so neat. I have been taking lots of pictures with my phone as reminders. I like to snap recipes and I always take a picture of where I park when we are parking at an airport or large shopping mall. I would never remember which level I parked on if I did not get a picture.

  8. I adore the invention of the camera! I don't think I could do without it!

  9. Hi Shug! Me, too! I try to have a camera handy, too. I never thought about taking a picture of a recipe but that's a great idea. I do take pics of items that I might like to have in my home AND things I might like to make. Isn't modern technology wonderful! Toodles!

  10. George and I do alot of photography --but ours is mostly nature-oriented (our trips, hikes, garden, etc.)...

    I will say that I have learned to much since I started photography... I see little things which I never noticed before...

    Glad you are so organized.. Hope things are going okay with you and the family. Prayers for you.


  11. You are a great photo photographer..who knew you were using a phone? lol Of course I always said if I ever have to get a smart definitely will be an iPhone!! Smile...


  12. I love the iPhone camera!! It is so easy to send photos (and receive them!) to my family... makes long distance not so bad. ;) I love that piece in your header photo. blessings ~ tanna


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