Saturday, January 12, 2013


What is there to talk about in the month of January?   Usually, people want to talk about all the things that they plan to change about their lives for the upcoming year.

And then.....there is the FOOD topic, for which I really am not up for discussing right now. about the Weather?  Oh yes, this is a great topic....
especially if you live in TEXAS.

You just never know what you're gonna get around here.  For the past week or longer, we have had nothing but gloomy skies and lots of rain.  Of course, we needed every single drop of rain that fell.  YESTERDAY....we had nothing but SUNSHINE!

Gorgeous, Beautiful, Sunshine....all day long, and to top it off....our temps reached into the 70's.  We had what I call a picture perfect day!  It was the kind of day that a girl could get used to.

This morning.....we have lots of fog and the temps have dropped.  Expecting lots of rain today, tomorrow, and all of next week.  The forcast is actually calling for some heavy thunderstorms!

January is one of those months that we can use....sitting still and reflecting upon good things...



  1. I'm all for the sitting still! So far January has been quiet...I'll take it! Have a great weekend!

  2. It is also a good time for s l o w i n g down.

    Take care.

    M :)

  3. Oh rain would be so nice, we get so little. I just don't want really bad thunderstorms. Right now we are having a really unusual cold spell. This morning it was 27 degrees. That is amazing for the desert. Suppose to only get to the 40's. Just staying in and keeping warm. Hugs, Marty

  4. Glad to hear you're getting rain. We're getting way too much over here. January is a crazy month for weather. One day you're in shorts and the next a sweater! Schizophrenic.

  5. How about this LAMP, for one thing??? I am trying to get a better look at it but cannot. Is that a cat? And does he have a ring through his nose? Why? I have a feeling you have lots of very interesting things in your house that we would love to hear about. But just for now...the lamp!!! Also where you got it please, I would love one. I am serious, one whole post just on the lamp!

  6. You lucky duck! - 70's and sun! we are 30's overcast and snow coming!
    Mary x

  7. Oh, me, we're pretty much the same thing here in Louisiana and I am sick of it. I am a sunshine kinda gal and all the wet, gloomy weather is hard on the spirit. Happy weekend!

  8. We're having highs in the 20's here in Iowa with winds..making much lower wind chills! Enjoy your lovely weather!

  9. Hi Shug, I thought that last year was strange during the winter for us--but this year seems even more strange. We have had spring-like temps recently --so the birds are singing and the spring flowers are growing... Scary --since we KNOW that more winter will come before March... Crazy January for sure!

    Happy Sunday to you.


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