Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Happenings...

Happy Sunday to All.....

Listen.....I feel like I have really been "Churched" today!!  The Praise and Worship was Awesome....

The message was Awesome.....and my Church Family is the Best.  

Once like a bird in prison I dwelt
No freedom from my sorrow I felt
But Jesus came and listened to me
And glory to God He set me free

He set me free yes He set me free
And He broke the bonds of prison for me
I'm glory bound my Jesus to see
For glory to God He set me free

Now I am climbing higher each day
Darkness of mine has drifted away
My feet are planted on higher ground
And glory to God I'm homeward bound

The words to this song.....this is excitement!!

Speaking of Music....I mentioned yesterday that I was

going to hear "Randy Travis" last night!  

(yes....he was fully clothed and totally sober)

He really has a wonderful voice and the show was

very clean.  I totally enjoyed myself.

This was a  " Wounded Warriors" event and oh my 

goodness, my heart was really touched!

I never want to take for granted, the sacrifice that

the men and women of the military do for 

our Country!  

I saw elderly men, who fought in World War II, standing 

there with tear filled eyes, as the National Anthem was 

sung....This shows true "LOVE" for our Country.

We are a Blessed Nation!!!

God's Blessings are new every morning, but the question

comes to long will our Heavenly Father

continue to Bless a Country that continues to put

HIM on the back burner?????

It's time for us to 


It's a beautiful rainy day outside....

I think I hear a nap calling my name...

Blessings Y'all



  1. Love that song - glad you had a nice rainy Sunday.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful message. I am very thankful for those who server in our military. I hope you have a great week.

  3. So lovely! I finally got all my girls and husband to church with me this morning :)))))))
    Mary oxo

  4. A wonderful reminder not to take our country, or those who fought for it, for granted!

  5. Glad to hear Mr. Travis was on his best behavior. Yes, our country does need to wake up. Christianity has become something to be reviled and ridiculed. Never thought I'd see it in my lifetime, but here we are!

  6. It's a beautiful song! I love playing Gospel songs. I never tire of them.
    Yep...109 tomorrow they say. It was just under 105 today. Then I read post, the rain, the it right to sort of...pray for "cool weather?" I guess not, but to be honest, I might just cave and do just that.
    Hugs and thanks for your comment! You are a sweetie!

  7. Beautiful song/words! I am so sad at the direction our country seems to be heading in. So many are trying to take God out of everything and have gotten it done in a lot of cases. We will have to answer for this, I'm afraid. Yes, it's time to wake up before it's too late.
    Have a wonderful first day of October!

  8. Beautiful post Shug! Great message too! Also love Randy Travis! Thanks for the visit; I've been away from blogging, I guess it was time to get my eyes off myself and focus on the fresh vision of Jesus! Sometimes I have to take a break and return to my first love!!
    Have a wonderful week my friend! Hugs!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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  Computer Update!   I was able to get an appointment yesterday to get my computer in to the geek squad..  Looks like they will have it for ...