Saturday, September 1, 2012

Football mania

Happy Sunday evening y'all....

I am not a late sleeper.   My day just seems to run much smoother, when I wake up early and get the ball rolling!
I feel as if I've wasted my day if I sleep later than 6:30 in the morning.

Yesterday morning was a different story....I actually slept until 8:oo.  Friday night was a late night for me!!

I didn't crawl into bed until around 11:30  or so on Saturday.
I know, for many of you, this is NOT LATE.....but for someone who normally goes to bed with the chickens, this is late!

It was FOOTBALL mania for this crew!  Our game this week was "out of town" meaning that we drove about 75 miles to play the Crandall Pirates!

Can I tell you, the BEARS were the BOMB last!  Oh yes....the score was 40 for the Bears and 20 for the Pirates.
It was an awesome game!

Now, it's time for a little "Shug" bragging..... Our precious grandson, scored two beautiful touchdowns!!!  Whoop, Whoop!

Oh yes, I was just a little hoarse the next morning, with a tad of a sore throat!  Maybe a little too much excitement for this young chick.  I think I was the biggest fan in the crowd.

I am loving me some football right now!  Just "Bear" with me, 
I'll get back to my somewhat normal post....real soon!

Have a great Sunday!

Hugs Y'all


  1. I'm cheering for the grandmother-cheering you've been doing, Shug!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for your sweet words. We are so blessed by our grands! xoxo ~ tanna

  2. Congratulations to your grandson!!
    I am glad to hear you slept in a little. I also like to get up with the chickens. Nothing beats the peace and quiet early in the morning.

  3. What fun! We'll be so old by the time we have one playing high school football that we won't be able to climb the bleachers to even go to the game. :o)

    Happy weekend!

  4. What a great family photo - such a lovely setting!

  5. You go right ahead and brag, Shug. I do the same thing for my GrandLoves., no matter what they may be doing.

  6. Congrats to you grandson on those touchdowns! That is a big deal!!!!

  7. hahhhaaa....I had forgotten how much you love you some football....:)


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