Friday, July 13, 2012

The Right Key

I have spent many hours throughout my lifetime, looking for keys....the right key!  The right key to unlock the right door.

Take a key chain, filled with often, the keys look just alike (with the exception of my big ol' Post Office Box Key)

It's very hard to select that one particular key that you need and it's especially difficult to find it, when it is dark...
This is why I now have those plastic colored rings on each of my keys...

Red is for this is for this is for another door......and so on and so on!

One thing is for sure.....If you don't have the right key.....You won't be getting in!!!

Did you know that life has keys as well.....One of those life keys is ATTITUDE.

To be able to embrace the fullness of life, we must have the right key for our attitude!  Attitude is by far, one of the most important keys that we will ever need....

We need it in our Spiritual life...We need it in our emotional life....and we need it in our EVERYDAY life.  This attitude key can make you a winner!  It can definitely change how you look at the world.. It opens up our character, and with the right key, our character defines us as a person with a great mindset.

An attitude key can bring you health and can also bring about inner peace and inspiration during those times when you need it most.

This is one key that I want in my possession at all times...
I want to make sure that this one is marked with a bright Neon color.  A color that attracts my attention.  I want to be able to find it, even in the darkest times.  

Do you know where your attitude key is?  Does it work?
These are questions that I ask myself every single day.....

Hey....I want to be a winner!!

God Bless....

shug ~


  1. Shug...need to ask your permission about something.
    I really really really like this post. Do you mind if I print it and use portions of it my classroom this Fall?

    I think it would be a great way to start off the school year with a bunch of high school students.

    Please let me know if you are comfortable with this or not.

    In Him,

  2. AMEN! Attitude plays such a huge part in life and I can choose what my attitude will be. Thanks for your words of wisdom toady.

  3. Hi Shug, Yes---we need the right keys for life... Attitude is very important.

    Think about how many keys we have had all through the years ---and how some fit one door and some, another... That's life, isn't it??????

    SO--let's get the right key, unlock the door to life --and go in!!!!

  4. Shug, my dear friend, you are so right...right down to the right attitude in our lives. Thanks so much for the support you always give me when the going gets tough. The lake walking helped so much, I know your prayers and others, did so much to help.

  5. I'm so working on my attitude. Shug, thank you so much for standing in the gap for me. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers and your kind and encouraging words. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. blessings ~ tanna
    ps you ARE a winner.

  6. When we bought our house the owner had a different key for every door: an LSU key; a blue key; a silver key. I love knowing what key is for what.

    Now for your metaphorical key, I agree. I've been sitting in my house all week, depression threatening to take over, and today I decided to go for a walk before the rains came. Did me a world of good. And the dog sure appreciated it. Sometimes life can weight you down, but I find if I turn my eyes to God and look for the good in things, life can't smother me. A good attitude is definitely KEY! Ha, couldn't resist.

  7. Hi Shug!

    Keys can certainly give me problems too - I will have to go get some of those pretty little covers!

    My favorite quote about attitude:

    A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. ~Roald Dahl

    Have a wonderful week-end!


  8. It is all about cattitude! sandie


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