Monday, June 4, 2012

My New Gift

Woo Hoo Y'all......I'm as excited as a monkey on banana-zac!!

Sam bought me a NEW camera!!

He sure did.....It's a canon Rebel T3i
with an extra lens....

I have no clue what I'm doing....(too many gadgets).....  It could happen though!  There is still hope!!   Hope that I will become the avid photographer that I have always wanted to be..?????

I can't wait to get started and hear the sounds of click, click, click...


Fear of the unknown can really hold us back.
Take this camera as an example....I have a fear of pressing a wrong button, and messing the whole thing up....All these gadgets make me a wee bit nervous.

Should I let this fear hold me back?  Should I not try to figure it out?  If my desire is to be a good photographer...then, I must give it my all....

I may make a mistake....but I will never learn if I don't try...

In this same way....I believe that Ruth had no idea what it was, that she was going to be up against when she decided to go to Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, with Naomi......She did not allow fear to hold her back....She made a plan and moved forward...

This is exactly what we must do!   In life, we may find ourselves  launching out into the darkness, heading in an unfamiliar direction...

Pressing Forward....Trusting God....this is what we must do.

Here's Hoping you all have a wonderful day...

as for me....I'm heading out to take some pictures...



  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the camera I would buy if I needed one or could afford another camera.
    I have heard so many good things about it. Have fun.If only I lived closer we could get together and shoot to our hearts content.LOL

  2. Great camera and I am sure you will learn in no time at all. Hugs, Marty

  3. Hi Shug!

    How exciting!! I love my camera - it's kind of fancy, and has taken me a long time to figure out, but it's so worth it!! I had a hard time trying to figure out all of the buttons and gadgets on mine too - I finally read the instruction book... ;0)

    Have fun with it! Can't wait to see some pictures!


  4. You lucky girl! My kids have been trying to get me to buy this camera. Are you kidding? I haven't read the book that came with my old canon yet. I'm not about to start learning how to use a new one! I think I'm at that age where I don't want any new information. But you obviously aren't, so lets see some really sharp photos!

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful gift!! I'm sure nothing will hold you back - keep on keeping on - one step at a time - can't wait to see your pictures!!!
    Mary x

  6. New toys have a way of doing that!
    I got a new camera and am still learning it.
    Have fun and if you do amke a mistake try again!



  7. We bought a Rebel last year and are really impressed with the photos. Do I know everything there is about this camera? Did I read the booklet? NAH!! :) Not yet.

  8. I am expecting GREAT PHOTOS from you. sandie

  9. Congrats, Shug! What a great gift. I'm partial to Canon myself. :) Anyway, make mistakes with it! That's how you'll learn. Pretty soon you will be posting frame-worthy photos. Just keep at it and read all you can about the camera settings. Yay!!!

  10. Congrats, Shug.... That is our camera (except that ours is older)... We love our Rebels....

    Just experiment and don't be afraid of it... You'll learn it!!!! Good Luck!!!


  11. Oh,girl!! I look forward to seeing all that you click!! you are going to have so much fun! blessings ~ tanna


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