Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hey there y'all.....I just want to share a few "Highlights" from our trip...

The Falls were more beautiful than I ever imagined...

I was simply amazed by all the gorgeous rainbows.  Not only were we able to see ONE each day, but most days, we saw several....on all sides of the Falls.

How powerful, are the hands of God!

Our view from the 34th floor of the Embassy Suites!  Not only did we have a gorgeous view of the Falls, but we had the same perfect view of the American Falls and the Rainbow bridge.

The landscaping was so pretty and so inviting....

and....I had no idea that there would be so many vineyards...Gorgeous vineyards.   Sam and I even had the opportunity to learn all about "Ice wine"   

The process of making ice wine is very challenging and requires the right temps and perfect timing....

My sweetie, getting ready to order some lunch....BTW, I ordered the quiche, and it was the BEST ever.....

Oh....and yes, we did get to experience the "Maid of the Mist"
Lots and Lots of Fun!  I was very thankful for all the blue attire that we are dressed in....otherwise, we would have been soaked!

Who would have ever have guessed that I would love my new camera as much as I do.....I ended up taking about 600 pictures on this trip.  Don't worry, I promise that I won't bore you, by writing a  post about every single picture.....

We had a blast....and we loved Canada....



  1. Your pictures are wonderful. I'm so glad you had a good time. Who knew there was so much water! The river is very pretty in the background in that gondola picture.
    I always experience a let-down on the day we come home, but I perk up as soon as I get home and in my own bed! :D

  2. Oh ---I'm so jealous. I love Niagara. Glad you went on the Maid of the Mist and glad you were on the Canadian side...

    Sounds like you had a fabulous trip... Can't wait to see many more photos.


  3. I would have taken a THOUSAND pictures!!!!! Just GORGEOUS, and you rally deserved this trip! Thanks so much for sharing with us, go ahead and post THEM ALL, I will not get bored! My computer man said my computer is safe now, it probably always was.

  4. Gorgeous! I am a Canadian and have never been to Niagara Falls,shame on me.I would love to go some day.but until then I will enjoy their beauty through your eyes.

  5. Great photos, Shug!! I loved visiting there in the fall!! it is amazing! Enjoy!! blessings ~ tanna

  6. If your pictures are any indication you had a wonderful trip. You'd make a great tour guide. Your pictures are almost- almost - as good as being there. Have a wonderful evening, Shug. Blessings...Mary

  7. Looks like you and the new camera are getting along beautifully. Enjoyed these photos. In one of the rainbow shots it looks like a double rainbow. One of these days I'd like to take a trip to Canada.

  8. Love your photos, Shug! Looks like you had a wonderful trip...show us more photos!

  9. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like you had a fab time. Those rainbows are beautiful. Some lovely memories for both of you. xxx AnneMarie xxx

  10. I'm so glad you loved our country...and sooo sorry we missed you! We've stayed in that hotel before, it's beautiful! On your winery travels did you see signs for St. Catharines?... That's us. We love living in the midst of farmland!
    So, when are you coming back??


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........