Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Silence is Broken


This picture has nothing to do with my post today....
Thought I'd share it, cause it is cute!!


Isn't it awkward to sit in a waiting room, filled with people and NO ONE saying anything?  Not one single word!

All kinds of people, with all kinds of backgrounds.  I can't stand the silence!!

Over to the left of me is a rather large man...perhaps 400 pounds or more.  He has a steady chew on a large drinking straw.....
His eyes keep moving from person to person, checking out each individual, as if he is daring anyone to move....

To the right of me is a Hispanic woman that seems to be struggling to stay awake.  Her head nods frontwards and then it lifts, only to fall backwards, almost hitting a window ledge.

No words are being spoken...the only sound that you can hear, is the turning of the pages from the old, outdated magazines....
OH YES.......and the repeated noise of teeth chomping the straw to smithereens.

My mouth is just itching to expel a word...any kind of word!  Finally, I just take it anymore...

Oh yes.....just what everyone had been waiting for...Someone to break the silence and speak.

Isn't it amazing how one word can seriously change the entire mood in a quite waiting room?   

If you want people to talk....just ask them, "How are you feeling."  Oh my...when it comes to aches and pains....you will find that the conversations never stop......

People were still talking, even as they were called back to see the doctor...

Finally....the silence is broken...



  1. It can be such an encouragement to open up to other people.I know I have been richly blessed by some conversations.

  2. Hi Shug!

    Oh, I can so identify! Yesterday, we took my mother to the Dr., same thing...stares, page turning, the silence was deafening!! I sure could of used you to use your charm on some of those folks!

    Hope all is well with you?!


  3. Good for you! I'm sure everyone started to feel even better while talking about their problems! Hope you had a nice day!

  4. I don't know Shug - I do that because it makes me crazy too - then I'll do it - and they look at me like I am crazy. Maybe it is what I say - lol - I don't know. sandie

  5. Shug, you crack me up. I don't know you in person, but what I know of your blogging, this sounds so YOU! Usually when I'm in a doctor's office I'm not feeling good enough to make conversation, but sometimes the silence can be painful. I'm sure you brightened that room considerably and lifted everyone's mood. You go girl!

  6. good for you, I'm usually theone to speak as well, curious by nature I am, and I hate silence from a group like that ,, I'm with you!

  7. Oh Shug, you are definitely a woman after my own heart. I can not stand the silence either. That's how I meet so many people.

  8. Shug, that reminds me of elevators. I decided long time ago to be friendly and say something. Now I will have to try it at the Dr.'s office too. You are too cute.

    Definitely going to have to pin those crazy flip flops!!!

    I sent you an email with the link to where I store everything!
    Have a great day.

  9. I like your SHUG letters on the sidebar that turn into fireworks!! I know what you mean!!! I will start talking to people in the waiting room, we will become instant friends, and just as soon as we are having fun,one of us gets called in! I also make friends with the clerks in stores and know a lot of their stories, I even have the deli lady's e-mail.

  10. Leave it to you, Shug!! LOL! BTW, I love the Texas flip-flops! blessings ~ tanna


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