Thursday, May 10, 2012

I was made to journal.....

My   Heart always has room for beautiful memories and I do not want to waste a single one of them.....

When the sun rises each morning, I automatically start to look for the treasures of life.....I want to record the dreams that I have, in hopes that one day, my daughters and my grandchildren will be inspired and motivated by my written words.

In writing this post, I was reminded of how good it feels to see the little things that happen in the lives of these kids....

I was reading one of my post that I had written to our youngest grandson Trey....let me share with you a portion of what I journaled for him...

Monday.....Sept. 21, 2009

Trey, Trey.......

You are a real little Tooter, Rooter.....and I love you so much!  You are always laughing and joking around...and I love that too!!
Woo is sock day and you wore 1 red sock and 1 black sock to school today...I am almost positive that those things will be stinking this afternoon!!  ha, ha...he, he!

I loved fixing that bacon and syrup for you this morning....cause I know just how much you love it!!
Guess this is the reason that you are so sweet....

I know a little boy 
With only one front tooth
He brings me lots of joy
His name is ...Trey Booth!

Hey....I'm praying for you today, just like I do everyday.


You see.... my grandchildren know how much I love them....
But, I hope that someday (when they get the chance to read their own personal life journal from shug) they will know just how important everyday of their life was/is for me....

Thank you Lord.....cause I was made for journaling!!  

Happy Day.....

shug !


  1. What an awesome idea! Do you keep a journal for each of your grandchildren?

  2. See, stuff like that is the kind of thing that I personally believe to be a family treasure. Tooter, Rooter will love that someday!

  3. You are amazing! I did this for my own children and thought of doing it for the grands but haven't done it and the oldest will be 8 this year and we have two more on the way this month and next totally 8 so I don't know if I ever will get to it. At least I can do a little to let them know how much I love them and how wonderful they made my life!

  4. Oh Shug I do love your style~!


  5. What a wonderful idea to write these things for your grandchildren to see!!! I think I will start doing something similar!

  6. So wonderful that you do this!

  7. Love the idea Shug! With our grands living and having lived so far away it just didn't lend itself to that! And, they grow up so fast!!! Wish I would have written some of the memories down - we do have photos though!

  8. such a wonderful gift, I have been catching up with all your posts and enjoying them so much.Such an inspiration you are,

  9. Awww, what a sweet thing to do for your grandchildren. They are indeed blessed!


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