Friday, May 11, 2012

A Few Things I Love...

Dogs will be dogs...and this one is super lazy.
Bella loves that old chair cushion and she drags
it all over the place...

I was able to snap this picture of her yesterday, while she was sleeping.  She loves that empty
bottle, of what used to be snacks....

She rolls it around, wherever she goes...kinda like a baby toting their favorite blanket everywhere...


Last evening, our local High School hosted a program for the induction of students into the 
National Honor Society....

Sam and I attended the program to watch as our grandson (Tyler) was inducted.  What an honor it is, that he was selected to be a member of the NHS.

Tyler is the handsome guy standing on the right!

Such an outstanding group of young men and women...

Sure proud of this one!!

I'm sure excited about the about y'all?



  1. Congrats to Tyler!! Woo hoo! That photo of Bella is too sweet. :)

  2. You must be SO proud! And he is a very handsome young man.

  3. Congratulations to Tyler!! I can understand why you are so proud of him! Glad you are so you should be!!!


  4. Congratulations to your intelligent and hard working grandson. NHS takes more than just brains, after all, you have to put them to good use. HE'S certainly no lazy dog... grin.

  5. Bella looks a sweetie.

    Your grandson is such a handsome young man. Gorgeous photo of you both together!

  6. Oh, I have a granddog named Bella. She's a toy poodle and so cute!

    Goodness, Hubby and I will be so old before we have a grandchild graduate that I hope we're able to attend. :o)

    Happy Mother's Day!


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