Sunday, April 1, 2012

He Wears {it} Well........

Happy Sunday, Dear Friends.....

Many thanks to each of you,  for all the well wishes.  I feel much, much better today!  And...the grandkids are all well too!   Woo Wee!!

I can't believe how fast a tummy bug can delete one's stamina.
It can sure throw your electrolytes way out of wack......             

I even made it to church this morning.

and I was sporting my new hat!!!!  I just love these things.

But, I wasn't by myself......Oh no, my precious grandson decided that he needed to be fancied up as well....

Tyler is our comedian grandson!  Don't you think he wears a hat real well?  He was sure enjoying all the attention that he was getting.    He borrowed my hat for about 5 minutes....just long enough for everyone to notice him, and for them to notice that I had a ring around MY head, where the hat had pressed my hair down....

Oh well.....pressed down hair or not, it was all worth seeing that precious smile on his face....

Have I told y'all lately, that I love my grandchildren!



  1. He has that sparkle in his eyes that says he would go to great lengths to have fun.I love that shot. You look good in the hat as well.I don't do hats well.

  2. Such a handsome young man!! Even in that hat! :)

    Sorry about the stomach virus -- those can be horrid!

  3. Tyler is pretty cute in that hat! He look like a fun kid.

  4. Oh how cute... That Tyler is adorable!!!!! AND--I love your Easter Bonnet.... Glad you are feeling better.

    I do have a question though. What is that big yellow container doing in church?????


  5. Hey Shug! Adorable! What a handsome young man and what a great sense of humor! So glad you're feeling better!
    Had a great Sunday starting with the Palm
    Sunday parade with our Sunday School kids, and a great day with family! Enjoy your week, hope it's full of joy and laughter! Hugs!

  6. Shug, you are a beautiful vision in that hat and matching outfit!! It cheers me up and makes me smile just seeing how pretty and happy you are! Tell Tyler for me that he is ALMOST as pretty as you are!

  7. I am glad you are feeling better, and were able to make it church. You look so pretty in your hat!! Your grandson looks adorable in it too! :) Have a blessed week! xo Heather

  8. Glad you're feeling better, Shug. You look pretty in your hat! Your g'son looks like he's having fun trying it on for size...boys will be boys!

    I'm with Betsy...what is in the yellow bucket? :D

    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Children are a blessing from the LORD. Blessed is the GRANDMOTHER whose quiver is full of them.

    Yeah, I know that's not how the verse goes, but doesn't it fit anyway?

    I love a kid who likes to laugh. I love a kid who doesn't take himself so seriously that he can't have good old fun with family.

    Now, go fluff your hair.
    You have hat head, Granny...

  10. Glad your feeling better, Love the hat!

  11. Tyler seems like a fun child to be around and we all need some fun in our life! Glad you are feeling better.

  12. Your grandson is cute! I had a stomach bug recently and it was horrible. Hope you're feeling even better today!

  13. So glad you are feeling better and yes, stomach bugs are the absolute worse!!!!

    You look so sassy in your hat and so does Tyler. How cute!

    Hapy Easter week!

  14. Sorry to hear that you were under the weather, but glad to hear that you are feeling better!

    Love the hat and Tyler wears it well.


  15. You look ready for spring and pretty in your new hat. :) Your grandson seems to have a good sense of humor. :) My son is fifteen and that is something he would do to make everyone smile and laugh. Have a great week!


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