Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Winnings!


Rain, Rain ......isn't there a country song that goes something like  RAIN IS A GOOD THING....??

I'm certainly not going to complain about a little rain, as in 5 to 6 inches of rain....NO, NO..not after this past summer, when the lakes and ponds disappeared almost over night.

WELL....I have to tell you just how excited I was Monday morning when I went to the Post Office.

There was a key in my box, which meant that I had a package or something way too big to fit into my regular P.O.Box....

 Isn't it fun to get surprises?  I was the winner for the give away over at  Faithfulnessfarm and let me tell you, I honestly felt like it was Christmas around here when I opened the package...

gorgeous kitchen towels, an apron to match and a Gooseberry Farms cook book!

I could not wait to get in the kitchen and fix one of the recipes out of the book....Since we are trying to eat light these days, I chose to make the Broccoli salad (which was sooo good) and I served the salad with a piece of BBQ chicken.

I added some cauliflower and for those of you that know me well, you know that I left out the red onion that the recipe calls for!  I know, I know....most of you are probably thinking that the onion is what gives the salad flavor....  You see, we don't like onions, BUT the salad was super delicious without it.

Aren't these just absolutely adorable?  I am one happy lady, and Blessed as well....

Stop by and visit Gail....You will love her place and she truly is a sweetheart...

Blessings Ladies...Blessings Gentlemen....



  1. Wowowowowow! What a great surprise and gift. The towels are adorable and the recipe sounds delicious.

  2. Oh what a wonderful giveaway prize. Love those towels.

  3. such beautiful handiwork!
    thats a yummy recipe,

  4. Oh My! You sure are blessed! I wood be going goo goo! Love those cute kittens! The food looks good, and I am a believer in altering recipes, for sure!

  5. Wow! you did hit the jackpot! I love dishtowels like that, they are the best. I'll hop over and pay her a visit. Blessings to you!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........