Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break

It's SPRING Break around here and so far, the weather has been beautiful!!

This is a S-W-E-E-T picture!

the only thing that would make it sweeter would be if I were actually there!

(this is a borrowed picture, and I have no clue who these Blessed folks are, but sure looks like they are enjoying life)

Around here....It could easily be called "Cleaning Break."  Much to do...

It is my belief, that the outside of the home should look just as beautiful as the inside...and this calls for clean flower beds....flower beds with color...a trimmed yard...groomed bushes and most of all....CLEAN PORCHES!!

Hopefully, by the end of the week, my yard will be picture perfect. 

         Wishful thinking, but
I'm working on it!!

have a great evening!



  1. I am in agreement. I get very edgy when the lawn needs mowing. I have been in the yard a lot lately. Have a blessed spring break.

  2. Happy cleaning - and gardening!
    mary x

  3. Shug
    Now don't get so carried away cleaning that you don't take time
    to enjoy your break!!
    I know that having a tidy yard and cleaned flower beds can bring much
    pleasure too though.It was 58 here today, and sunny to boot. I know it won't last, but I'll soak it up while I can!

  4. great photos, happy cleaning, inside and out!

  5. I agree and I will be working on my flower beds soon! We don't get spring break until the first week of April. I am so ready!!!

  6. I like the outdoor living area as nice as the inside to. Outdoors flowers indoors prims for me. Oh to be sitting on the beach. Have a good week. Blessings!

  7. I've already been on the mower- so excited for spring to hurry up and get here! Now the inside of the house is a whole nuther story!

  8. If that's your yard it looks perfect to me!!!! Enjoy!

  9. By the end of the week, after you have made your yard perfect---you can come to TN to help us make ours perfect. Okay???? ha ha

    Hope you have a great week. The weather here is perfect for yardwork.

  10. There is always soo much to get caught up on during break.
    Been busy in the hosue --haven't made it outside (to work yet).

    Don't forget to have some fun too.


  11. I hope you show us when you're done!! Happy spring Break, and try to have some fun as well!!


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